Timothée Chalamet x Reader

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Summary: You meet Timothée on the set of your new movie together and everyone speculating if you're dating or not. 

Warnings: None 

Author's Note: Adding another new person to this book. Hope you all like it. 

I walk into the huge building and look around in awe. Today was my first day on set for my new movie and I was a little nervous. I watch all the people running around until I see the director waving me over. 

I weave my way through the crowd happy to see a familiar face. We talk for a few minutes before I see someone else coming over to join us. I feel my breath catch in my throat as I realize that it's none other than Timothée Chalamet. Even though I was fairly well known in the film industry I still admired him. 

Once the director notices him he says, "Ah good you're both here. I want you two to be spending as much time together as possible to make your connection in the movie as real as possible." With that, he walks away leaving us alone. 

I feel a little awkward and not sure what to say until Timothée says, "So um tell me about yourself." I begin to tell him general information about myself before he does the same. Once the awkward tension is broken I find it easy to talk to him. 

During the next few weeks, we spend any time we're not filming together. It becomes unusual for any of the crew to see one of us without the other being there or somewhere nearby. With all the time I've been spending with Timothée, I find to keep myself from falling for him. 

He knows me almost better than anyone else and can pick up on any anxious ticks or any of my fidgeting. He knows when I'm not feeling well and want to be alone. The movie has finished filming and now we have to do press before the premiere. 

A makeup artist is putting the finishing touches of makeup on my face before Timothee and I go out for our interview. As soon as they're finished I get up from my chair and make my way out into the backstage area. I'm waiting off to the side when I feel someone come up next to me and I hear Timothée ask, "Are you ready?" I nod before I say, "Yeah. It's just no matter how many times I do this I still get nervous." He nods in understanding before we're called out. 

Timothée and I smile as we walk out and take our seats which luckily are right next to each other. I feel comforted knowing that Timothee was so close to me. Jimmy welcomes us and the interview starts. 

During the interview, I make sure to keep a smile on my face but it isn't long before some of my nervous ticks start taking hold. I'm fidgeting with my fingers when I feel Timothée take my hand and begin rubbing circles on it. 

Once the interview concludes and we make our way backstage, once off stage I say, "Thanks for back there." I watch his cheeks dust pink before he stutters out, "Yeah no problem." 

We each get changed before climbing into the car to take us back to the hotel we were staying at. We arrived and made our way up to our rooms which were right next to each other. As soon as I'm in the room I flop down on my bed and open my social media. 

Immediately, my feed is flooded with videos and clips of our interview. Most notably when Timothée took my hand to calm me down. The fans are all commenting and speculating if we were dating or not. 

I quickly change into some comfortable clothes before making my way to Timothée's room. I raise my hand to knock but before I can the door is opened. I step in and immediately ask, "Did you see your social media?" He nods and I sink down on the end of his bed and put my head in my hands. 

I feel the bed dip next to me as Timothée sits next to me. He gently rubs his hand up and down my back and I rest my head on his shoulder I ask softly, "What do we do about the fans?" 

He sighs before saying softly, "I don't know." I enjoy the time close to Timothée and his relaxing presence but my mind is still moving a mile a minute wondering what to do about the fan's speculations. 

Over the next few weeks, it only grows, and Timothée doesn't help by posting pictures of us together. After a few weeks of this, I get tired of wondering where Timothee and I stand. I go to his room and he lets me in since my stopping by had become a usual occurrence. I pace the room while Timothée just watches my agitated state. 

I ask, "What are we, Timothée? Are we friends, coworkers, or something else? I mean if you want to be something else that's fine but I don't want you to feel pressured just because of the fans." I continue to ramble on until I feel Timothée take my hands. 

I look into his green eyes as he says, "Yes, I want to be more with you and not just because of the fans." I let out a sigh of relief as he pulled me into a hug. I look up at him and ask, "So are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" 

He says, "Yes." I smile at him before he kisses my cheek and I savor the moment between the two of us. Now, how were we going to tell the fans? And, how would they react?   


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