Matt Rife x Reader

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Summary: You come home early and find Matt where he isn't supposed to be.  

Warnings: None

Author's Note: Just holiday fluff. 

I open the door to my apartment and step inside noticing the unusual silence coming from inside. I set my keys and my purse down by the door. I call out into the apartment, "Matt?" 

I don't hear a response which makes me even more suspicious. I walk further into the apartment wondering where my boyfriend could be. I walk into our room and freeze at the sight of what awaits me. 

Matt is bent over in the closet frantically pulling item after item out of the closet and it looks like a tornado went through our room. I clear my throat and say in a stern voice, "Matt, what are you doing?" 

He turns around at the sound of my voice with a guilty look on his face while I stare at him with my arms crossed and my foot tapping on the ground as I wait for him to explain what he's doing even though I already know. 

He looks at me with his adorable blue eyes and he does his best puppy dog eyes at me in an attempt to get me to be less upset. He opens his mouth and says, "I can explain." 

I reply, "Really? Because it looks like you're trying to find your gifts when you're not supposed to." 

He gulps before saying, "Okay so it is what it looks like." 

I stare at him before I say, "You really think that I would put your gifts in our same room?" 

He opens his mouth and I giggle at his adorable expression before I say, "Just put everything back that's all I ask." He nods before I leave the room so he can clean everything up. 

 It had been a few hours and I hadn't heard anything or seen Matt since I told him to clean the room. I hear footsteps coming down the hall and I look up and see Matt with a sheepish look on his face. He looks up at me and seems relieved that I'm not mad or upset. 

I hear him say, "Y/N?" 

I look up at him and he says, "I can't put everything back I don't remember where it goes." 

I give him a soft smile as I say, "I don't expect you to put everything back perfectly. Come on I'll help you." 

I get up from the couch and together we go back to the bedroom. Matt hands me things and I place them back in the closet. 

Once we're all finished we're lying on the couch and I ask Matt, "Why did you want to know what I got you?" 

He replies, "Well I wanted to know so I could figure out if my gifts were good enough." 

I say, "Matt, I don't care what you get me as long as I have you."  

Matt pulls me close to his chest and gently begins to massage my shoulders as he hums a random tune. I feel myself relaxing into his touch, Matt pauses his massage for a moment and grab the remote for the TV. 

I wait for him to settle on something and it isn't long before I hear the beginning of some Christmas music. I relax into Matt's chest happy to be in his arms. 

We're both quiet for a bit before I hear Matt say, "I could get used to this." 

I try and turn but he keeps me where I am and he says, "Spending time with you like this." 

I hum and let myself relax and through my clothes I can feel the muscles and firmness of his chest keeps me grounded so I don't fall asleep during the massage. 

Once Matt's finished he leans back on the couch and turns of the Christmas music and putting on a Christmas movie. He grabs the blanket from the back of the couch and drapes it over us and we spend the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies.  

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