Joey Tribbiani x Actress! Reader

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Summary: When you get cast as the lead in Romeo and Juliet your feelings for your costar end up coming out.  

Warnings: None

Author's Note: Thank you JulzLovDraco4Eva for requesting this. I've finished the three tests I've had this week so I should be back to a normal publishing schedule this weekend. 

I nervously pace around the small apartment as my friends watch as I practically wear a hole in the carpet. I had gone and auditioned for the role of Juliet in a local production of Romeo and Juliet while my friend Joey had auditioned for the role of Romeo. Somehow, Joey was sitting peacefully on the couch. 

Suddenly, I hear my phone ring and quickly run across the apartment and grab it. I answer excitedly, "Hello?" 

From the other end of the phone, I hear my agent say, "Miss Y/N, congratulations you got Juliet." 

I squeal in excitement and vaguely hear something about the scripts being sent out tomorrow and I just agree before I hang up. I turn around and see Joey putting his phone down while our friends look between waiting for either of us to say something. Joey blurts out, "I got Romeo." 

All our friends cheer and feel my heart start to race but I ignore seeing as everyone is now looking at me and I say, "I got Juliet." 

Everyone cheers before enveloping both me and Joey in a group hug. When they pull away, I hear Joey say, "Congratulations. I'm looking forward to working with you." I smile before I respond, "Yeah. Me too." 

The next day, we're sitting in Central Perk when Joey comes in through the door and I notice he's holding something. He hands one of them to me and I see it's the script for the play. I look down at it and run my hand over the cover of it but am snapped back to reality when I hear someone shout, "Y/N!" 

I look up and see everyone looking at me and I ask confused, "What?" 

Joey speaks up and asks, "I was wondering if you wanted to go to my apartment with me and practice lines." I smile before nodding in agreement. 

Joey and I had been practicing lines for a few hours now and currently we were practicing the iconic balcony scene. Since we had been practicing, it felt there was at least some chemistry between the two of us but I couldn't tell if it was because of our acting or not. Joey and I finish the scene and we're looking deep into each other's eyes and we're standing close to each other. I quickly clear my throat and step away. 

I grab my bag and rush out, "I should get going." Without giving Joey any time to respond I'm walking out of his apartment. Once I'm in the hall I mentally curse myself for allowing to think that there would be anything other than friends between us. I'm still upset as I walk down the stairs and out of the building. 

The weeks go by until it's opening night. I'm putting the finishing touches on my hair and makeup while trying to ignore the nerves steadily creeping their way up into my chest and stomach. Once I'm finished I make my way out of my dressing room and see everyone rushing around trying to make last-minute preparations. 

Among the people, I spot Joey standing in his costume. Upon seeing him, I feel my body freeze, my throat goes dry and my hands start to sweat. I quickly make my way to a bathroom and rush into one of the stalls locking the door behind me as I try to regain control of myself. 

I hear the door to the bathroom open before hearing Monica shout, "Y/N?" I reply back, "Here." 

I see two pairs of shoes standing on the other side of the stall door and Monica asks, "What's wrong?" 

In a shaky voice I say, "I um. I think I have stage fright." She's quiet before replying, "But you've been practicing these lines for months. You know what you're doing." 

I swallow before I hear her ask, "Is this about Joey?" 

I remain silent but see one of the pairs of shoes leave. Monica was the only person I had told about my crush on Joey to. I hear her ask softly, "Do you think you can open the door?" 

I unlock the door and she pushes it open and her face falls upon seeing my distressed state. I say, "I don't know if I can fake being in love with him on stage but knowing the feelings are real an then going back to being friends once this is all over." 

I feel Monica take my hand and hear her say, "Listen, when you're up there put all your emotions for him into your performance and whatever happens happens okay?" 

I nod before she pulls me into a hug. We leave the bathroom and I make my way backstage to my position as the director calls one minute until curtain. It feels like the longest minute of my life, but the curtain rises and the show starts. 

The show goes smoothly and I don't forget any of my lines. During my performance I do as Monica suggested and pour all my feelings and emotions for Joey into my performance. At the end we get a standing ovation and I can't help the smile that makes its way onto my face. 

Once the curtain has dropped back into place and everyone is heading back to their respective dressing rooms I feel Joey take my hand. I turn to look at him and he says, "Can we go somewhere to talk?" 

I feel myself get instantly nervous but nod and follow him nonetheless to a secluded corner of the theater. He drops my hand much to my disappointment before looking at me and asking vey bluntly, "What are we?" 

I stare at him not sure what to say and when I don't say anything he continues on, "Look I know we're friends and all but I thought there was something between us, or is it just me." 

I cringe at the word friend before I say, "Look I love you okay but I didn't want to ruin our friendship by saying anything so I didn't and I put all my feeling for you into that kissing scene because I thought this would be my only chance to kiss you." 

I go to walk away but he stops me and asks, "You love me?" 

I nod, and the next thing I know he's in front of me smashing his lips against mine. I let out a muffled squeak against them but soon melt into the kiss. When he pulls away he says, "I love you too." 

I giggle before leaning forward and leaning my forehead against his chest still smiling. I feel him use his hand to tilt my head back up so I'm looking at him once more and he asks, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" 

I nod eagerly and he leans down and kisses my forehead. When we rejoin our friends my hand is in Joey's and Monica gives me a knowing look and I roll my eyes ignoring her knowing look as we go celebrate. 

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