Young!Coriolanus Snow x Reader

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Summary: Corio has been spending most of his time working and you want attention. 

Warnings: None.  

Author's Note: I haven't done a Young!Coriolanus Snow in a while and more content for him was requested by CamilaCupcake312. This takes place after the events of A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. 

I pace around the apartment bored, I wanted attention from my boyfriend but he was busy. Corio had been practically working nonstop the last week and I was getting tired of it. He came to bed long after I had fallen asleep and woke up long before I did. By the time I would get up, he would already be shut away in his office. 

I make myself some lunch and eat it alone at the table. I couldn't even see him at meals because he would always take them to his office so he could get work done while he ate. I place my dirty dishes in the sink before going to wander through the apartment like a lost puppy. 

It's only been about an hour since lunch and I'm feeling like a caged animal. I make my way to the closed office door and knock. I hear a faint, "Come in." 

I push the door open, I look around noting that the room looks like a tornado swept through it scattering papers everywhere, but in the middle of it all sat my boyfriend. I take note of the dark circles under his eyes, his usually neatly styled hair is messy and unkempt, and his usually meticulously ironed and pressed clothes are rumpled and wrinkled. 

   I walk further into the room and around the desk, I gently place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it. He distractedly brings his hand up to cover mine briefly before going back to his work. I begin to tidy up the room by taking his dirty dishes and thus freeing up a little space on the desk. I then begin to grab papers and organize them by putting them into neat stacks and folders so he can easily find them. 

By the time I've finished organizing the room the sun is starting to set and I know he still won't be done for several hours yet. I linger in the doorway debating on whether I should try and ask to stay or not since I know he likes to be alone when he's working. 

I see his icy blue eyes flick up from his papers to look at me and he asks, "What's wrong?" 

I quickly begin to stutter out, "Oh nothing. It's just I was wondering if I could stay in here with you while you work." 

He looks taken aback by my strange request and I quickly begin to explain, "It's just I haven't seen you this week and I just wanted a little bit of time with you." 

I see his face soften and he says, "C'mere, you can sit on my lap until I'm done working." 

I go over as he pushes his chair back from his desk so I can settle in. I sit so I'm straddling him and I rest my head on his chest and I breathe in his usual scent of roses and cologne. HE places his arm on my waist while he moves his chair back towards the desk. 

I stay on his lap for hours, every so often he rubs my back or kisses my head. By the time he's finished, it's dark outside. I don't want to move to go to bed so Corio grabs me by the backs of my thighs and carries me to the bedroom. 

I giggle as he tosses me down on the bed, he hovers over me for a moment and gently brushes a piece of hair along the side of my face as he says, "I'm sorry for ignoring you this week." 

I reach up and cup the side of his face as I say, "It's okay I understand you're busy." 

He nods before leaning down and kissing the tip of my nose before going to get ready for bed. As I get ready I can't help but think of how lucky I am to have Corio in my life.    

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