Peter Kavinsky x Reader

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Summary: You're on your period and Peter takes care of you

Warnings: Mentions of periods and blood

Author's Note: Alright so I haven't done a Peter Kavinsky in a while. Also a part two of Wednesday's post will be posted later tonight. 

I groan in annoyance as I roll around on my bed unable to get comfortable, not just because of the cramps going through my body but also because I couldn't find a good temperature. I kept alternating between being hot one minute and cold the next. 

I lay on my back staring at my ceiling and reach for my phone. My fingers automatically find Peter's contact and I press the call button. It rings for a few minutes before I finally hear his voice on the other end say, "Hello?" I say, "Hey can you come over please?" He is quiet but I can hear movement on the other end of the phone and he says, "Yeah of course. Is everything okay?" I sigh before I say, "Yeah it's just I'm on my period." Before I can say anything else he says, "I'll be there in ten." Before he hangs up. 

True to his word ten minutes later I hear my doorbell ring and I force myself to get up from my bed and go downstairs. I open the door to see Peter's arms holding at least two bags and a box of pizza. I take the pizza from him and place it on the counter in the kitchen. Peter follows behind me and sets the bags on the counter as well. 

He says, "Okay so I've got chocolate, painkillers, ice cream, and one of my hoodies." I practically push him out of the way to get the hoodie. As soon as I have it I put it on and realize it's my favorite one of his. We grab the food and bring it upstairs to my room. 

Peter and I settle on the bed with the food and he makes sure he's cuddling me to help relieve some of the pain. At some point, I doze off because the next thing I know Peter is shaking me awake. I hear him say, "Hey you need to go get changed." 

I stand up and my eyes widen as I realize that I bled on the sheets. I begin to panic out of embarrassment and Peter says, "Hey it's okay. Go change and I'll take care of the sheets okay?" I nod and grab a clean pair of pants and underwear from my dresser as I walk to the bathroom. 

By the time I've cleaned everything and changed when I step out, I see Peter not only changed the sheets on the bed but he also put a towel on my side, got my heating pad, and grabbed as many pillows as he could fit on the bed. At this, I started to cry. I hear Peter rush over and he asks, "Hey what's wrong baby?" 

I sniffle before I reply, "Nothing it's just you didn't have to do all this for me." He says, "Of course I did. It's my job as your boyfriend to take care of you. Especially this week." He kisses me before leading me to the bed. 

We settle on the bed and he makes sure I'm comfortable as he puts on my favorite show. We spend the rest of the night cuddling and for most of it, I'm able to forget about my period.           

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