Edmund Pevensie x Reader

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Summary: You're Caspian's little sister and fall in love with Edmund.


Author's Note: This was another request for JulzLovDraco4Eva. Thank you for all your requests I love writing for you.

The castle is dark and quiet as my brother and I rush down to the stables. We arrive at the stables and immediately saddle our horses and begin to ride.

The wind rushes through our hair as we head towards the woods as our Uncle's men follow us. Our horses are breathing hard and his men are shouting and shooting arrows at our backs.

We make it to the woods and we can barely see and it isn't long before my brother Caspian is knocked from his horse. I pull the reins bringing my horse to a halt and I climb down and rush to his side.

In the dark, I can hear rustling through the bushes and I see a badger and a dwarf come through the brush. My brother and I look between the two of us before he brings the white horn up to his lips and blows.

After that night, my brother Caspian and I do what we can against the Talmeran army and we amass an army as well.

We're in the woods getting ready to move our army to Aslan's How when we hear a commotion in the wood. The sound of metal on metal rings out. My brother and I rush through the woods to see a blonde-haired boy fighting one of our troops.

My brother draws his sword and steps in. The blonde-haired boy steps back in surprise and I notice three other people coming out of the woods.

My eyes look between them and my mind thinks back to all the old stories our tutor used to tell us about the Kings and Queens of old.

I step up to my brother's side and I say, "You're the kings and queens of old."

I look between them flabbergasted. The story of the battle against the White Witch amongst other battles and exploits and how they had strengthened Narnia.

The blonde-haired boy introduces himself as High King Peter, the tall dark haired girl with freckles introduced herself as queen Susan, the second boy who has dark hair and brown eyes is King Edmund while the second girl is queen Lucy.

My brother says, "I'm Prince Caspian and this is my sister Y/N."

I do a quick curtsy out of respect while my brother invites them to join us on the journey to Aslan's How. I feel a pair of eyes on me and I notice Edmund is looking at me and when he catches my eye he looks away with pink tinged cheeks.

On the walk to Aslan's How I find myself walking next to Edmund. We end up talking and find out we have a little more in common than we thought.

When we arrive I'm happy to see that our forces have gathered and are preparing for the battle against our uncle Mraz.

We go inside and gather around the old stone table where Aslan sacrificed himself for Edmund.

We all discuss the best way to attack the Telmarines while also defending Aslan's How. Peter decides to give us some time by engaging King Mraz in one on one combat and once they attacked we would trigger the traps under the ground and throw them off.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear my brother say, "Lucy, Y/N I want you to stay here out of the way."

In an instant I'm up from my spot in protest as I shout, "What. No I'm perfectly capable of fighting."

My brother turns to face me as he says, "I know you're capable of fighting but I don't want to be worried about you while I'm fighting."

I sigh knowing he's right as I resign myself to being in the dark with Lucy. I watch as they leave and I feel nervous knowing that Edmund would be filling in for Peter in single combat if anything went wrong.

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