❤️ 7 ❤️

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Third person pov

"Students are you all ready?" Mr. Choi asked

"Yes sir" everyone said.

"Don't forget that, the marks you are gaining is included in your finals. So keep that in your mind and complete the task within the time. " Mr. Choi said. Everyone nodded.

"So get ready. 1....2....3 start!" Mr. Choi whistled.

Students everyone separated themselves in all direction to search for their plants.

"Tae we have to get full marks for sure Okay?" Jimin said.

"Yes jimin surely we will get." Taehyung replied while searching for the plants.

On the other hand jungkook is waiting for the right time to release his rex. He don't care about the marks or anything as it's easy for him to gain marks using his father's influence but he is determined to kill jimin for sure. The one who insulted and slapped him for trice (*maybe In the past jimin might slapped him*) shouldn't be alive in the same earth where he lives.

"You two. Find the plants for our team. We will execute our plan. Am I clear?" Jungkook said to the two alphas in his group cause he and ki-ren are going to execute the said plan. Those alphas nodded and left the place to find the plants.

"Tae, I think if we search together we won't get it within the time. So I will search there and you search here" jimin said pointing the direction.

"Okay minnie but don't go too far." Taehyung said, jimin nodded and went to a different direction.

Just like that 1/2 hour passed.

"Agrr! Already half an hour went but I didn't even find a single plant." Jimin mumbled while looking down at the numerous plants grown at the forest floor. He walked further while eyeing each and every plant sharply, totally unaware of the surroundings.

"Super!!! Super " jungkook squealed like a child seeing jimin cause jimin is alone and it's a perfect time to release his Rex.

"I have to keep some distance from him. He is really dangerous, see how he squealing as if he won something. Killing someone is giving this much happiness to him, I can't believe and top of that I love that omega jimin whom he is planning to kill and i can't do anything about it." Ki-ren thought.


"KI-REN!!" jungkook screamed but lowly near his ears, don't want to get caught by the omega

"H-huh huh.. yes jungkook" Ki-ren blinked.

"Where are you lost huh? Come on let's release my rex" jungkook said. Ki-ren shivered to even hear that name 'rex', who will own a world no.1 poisonous snake as a pet. He gulped at the thought and hesitantly nodded.

Jungkook carefully opened the wooden box and creased Rex's head lovingly before taking out the snake from the box. Ki-ren is shivering seeing the bond between the pet and the owner.

"Good luck rex" jungkook said before letting the snake. They were standing behind a tree, little far from jimin and watching everything.

Jimin was walking slowly, searching for the plants, rex was following him everywhere he go. Jimin stopped at one pointed and eyed the plants.

"Come on rex come on" jungkook mumbled watching them.

Rex was about to bite jimin's leg but jimin walked forward making Rex's attempt to land on the forest floor.

"Ohh shit!" Jungkook punched the tree.

Again rex followed jimin. At one point jimin stopped and couched down as he noticed a plant similar to the picture he had.

"Finally got it!" Jimin said excitly before plucking the plant. Again, Rex was about to bite him when someone pulled jimin upwards, he gasped loudly. They two fell on the ground and rolled downwrds cause it is a slanting slope. Jimin closed his eyes tightly out of fear. Thank God they got stopped by a rock middle of their way to the Great depth from the mountain. Don't know whether a single bone would survived after falling from the highest peak.

jimin slowly opened his eyes only to meet with a familiar eyes which belonged to none other then taehyung. Jimin was lying on the top of him.

"Jimin nothing happened to you right?" Taehyung asked worried.

"Huh! No taehyung. I'm fine but why you suddenly pulled me " jimin asked getting up from taehyung.

"Jimin there was a snake near you. If i didn't came on the time then I can't imagine what would happened to you." Taehyung said worriedly cupping jimin's face. His eyes widened by hearing what taehyung said.

"Whattt!! Snake?? Near me??" Taehyung nodded. How stupid he is of being unaware of his surroundings even after the lectures he got from his mom. If she got to know this then she wouldn't allow him to go anywhere

"Thank you for saving me Tae" jimin said softly.

"It's Allright jimin. I won't let anything happend to you now come let's go" taehyung said.

"Arggghhhhh! Fuck! Fuck!" Jungkook shouted, out of frustration that his plan was flopped.

"No! No! I won't give up until I kill you omega. Just wait and watch" jungkook said to himself.

Ki-ren is mentally thanking the God for saving his love from this devil's. But he knew this is not a end, the devil won't give up until he kill the precious angel.

Time skip:-

Vmin finally found the plants and submitted but not all the plants, some they couldn't find and the time was not sufficient for them to find.

(Author- of course it's their fault, you know, time management is very important)

Jungkook on the other hand shooting death glare at jimin time to time. Jimin felt someone's eyes on him, he looked at different direction finally our jikook's eyes met. For a moment they lost themselves in each other's eyes the surroundings got disappeared it's only them but their trace broke out by Mr. Choi.

"Very good students you all did really nice job. Those who couldn't complete the task , don't feel bad you still have so many tasks to complete in upcoming days so take it easy but at the same don't be so lethargic and just try your level best. Now you all rest for while, after that will have our dinner together " Mr. Choi said through Mike.

"Taehyung are you coming with me huh?. I'm going to take a short nap. I'm really tired mainly after roaming here in the forest in the name of searching plants." jimin said looking really tired. Taehyung felt bad for him, he creased jimin's back.

"Jimin you go take rest I will accompany you soon Okay?" Taehyung said.

"Yeah okay" jimin showed his thumps up before leaving.


"J-jungkook what a-are going to d-do?" Ki-Ren asked shuttering. He knew jungkook is angry not angry, hella angry and angry jungkook is a nightmare to them. All four of them were sitting inside the tent. He glared at ki-ren, ki-ren gulped thick amount of saliva.

"Don't you know that I hate people shuttering in front me when I'm not even scaring them" jungkook said with annoyed face.

"Sorry jungkook" Ki-ren muttered looking down. Jungkook.

"Fuck your sorry" jungkook scoffed.

"Now listen carefully, ki-ren I want you to buy a very powerful and dangerous poison. I don't care from where will buy or to whom you will beg but I need the poison no matter what. " jungkook said looking at him. Ki-ren simply nodded even if he want to deny, he can't.

"Good. Now you all get lost from here I want to take peaceful nap and you ki-ren i want that poison before evening. Am I clear " jungkook sounded vigorous. They all nodded before running out from the tent. Jungkook laid down and slowly drifted off.

See you in the next part....

- author Sofia ♥...

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