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Third person pov

After three days

The whole family is currently sitting inside the court in the chairs of the viewers.

"Everyone rise"
After few mins everyone stood up and bowed as the judge entered the court and on the chair.

Jungkook with cuffed hands got summoned infront the judge in accused lobby and Sehun got summoned in the opposite lobby

Chief justice hitted the hammer on the wooden block and asked to proceed with the case.

"My lord, this my client jimin. My client has been attempted to murder for 5 times by this jungkook. Not only that my lord he had murderer a person and harrased a girl named jee-ra before killing. The girl was gang raped and killed brutally by this Sehun who got ordered to do this by jungkook and I'm submitting the evidence for the accusations." Jimin's advocate informed and submitted the evidences and proofs collected by Jimin.

"Do you admit that you committed these charges against you?" Chief justice asked to jungkook.

"Yes I admit." Jungkook agreed shortly while looking not particularly at anything. Jee-ra is parents cried silently that time.

" As all the crimes charged against him have been proved with proper evidence, not only that, but also because the accused himself has confessed to the crime he has committed, I sentence him to undergo rigorous imprisonment for seven years." Judge announced.

"The court urgent!" With that the court got cleared.

The whole family waited outside the court for jungkook, after few mins jungkook exited the court followed by some polices. Jungkook slowly lifted his gaze and glanced at them but none of them looked at him. He slowly walked towards them.

"I'm sorry, I can't be the son you wished, but I didn't want to hurt you, I just thought to keep you happy all the time. I'm sorry mom" jungkook said Clara who just looked away. He then passed to jay

"I can't serve the life you gave me well, I'm sorry for my nasty behaviour dad." He said jay who didn't even glance at him. He then passed to jimin who had a hard face, his jaws are clenching.

"I have hurted you a lot, all I gave you is pain. I'm sorry for that. I'm really sorry jimin. I know I don't deserve for your forgiveness but also I'm asking. I'm sorry." With that Jungkook hopped inside police Jeep and drove off. Clara broke down into loud sobs. Jay attached her to his chest as she cried hard, even he himself is crying. Jungkook is gone....they will see him only after 7 years. What to do after all he is their only lovely son.

"We are leaving jimin" jay said and left. Melliva attempted to talk to jimin but he hopped inside his car and driven off.

Time skip:-

Jimin got of his car and took a bouguet with him before walking inside the graveyard. He walked towards a certain funeral and placed the bouguet on it before kneeling down and started to pray.

' I got justice for your death jee-re. I'm really sorry I couldn't save you that time. Please forgive me dear'

Jimin prayed for few more mins before standing up. He lighted a candle🕯️and kept upon the funeral. Jimin wiped his tears before walking away.

After 2 months

"Yes Mr. John. By tomorrow I will join the company. Yeah okay then. Thank you" jimin disconnected the call with content smile in his face, finally his every dream is coming true. His smile faded away when his eyes landed on a document in the table. He sighed before grabbing it and walking outside. He hopped inside his car and drove away.

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