Lord knows she didn't leave with him.

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*Fiore's Dress*

"People say I make strange choices, but they're not strange for me. My sickness is that I'm fascinated by human behavior, by what's underneath the surface, by the worlds inside people." - Johnny Depp


Chapter 2

Chuck busied himself with work. The siren who'd bewitched him not far from his thoughts. Jax had inspected the shipment for Chuck when it arrived early. As Chuck had expected it was tampered with. Chuck delivered an appropriate message to the supplier and went on with his way.

In the seven years since he'd met Juliet his world had changed little. He'd simply grown his wealth, power, and enemies. Jax was still his right hand man and most trusted advisor. Frustrated Chuck barked at Jax that he was not to be disturbed and retreated to a sound proof room where his grand piano resided. He began playing a piece he'd composed long ago for the raven haired anomaly who'd perplexed him all those years ago.

Chuck played, then began composing again. This time in a spirit he'd never expected to allow himself to feel again. After a few frustrating hours Chuck slammed the keylid and got up. He went to his dining room and took his aggression out on his steak, stabbing and tearing into the meat. Still frustrated that his minx had chosen to ignore him, Chuck decided to forget the woman who was currently vexing him by burying himself in another. Women were never in short supply. Chuck knew how to charm the ladies and he had a few who jumped at the opportunity every chance they got.

A blonde haired, busty beauty smiled at Chuck as she inhaled a cigarette. "That was better than usual," she grinned. "Something's on your mind. Want to talk about it?"

"No," Chuck growled as he got out of bed in all his naked glory. "I have work to do. You know were the door is," Chuck dismissed as he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and left her alone in his bed. Livid Chuck ran a hand through his hair. That damn vixen was still on his mind. Even when he was balls deep in that sexy little harlot, Lydia. He found himself imagining Fiore.

Chuck wasn't used to not being able to think. He made a quick call and found out the information he was looking for. When Chuck returned to his room he frowned when he saw Lydia still in his bed.

"Why are you still here?" Chuck asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you serious?" Lydia asked, incredulous.

"I'm getting a shower. You better be gone when I'm finished." Chuck warned before he left Lydia on the bed and took a cold shower. He barked his orders to Jax before driving to the airport to his private plane. From there he flew to London. It had been two weeks since he'd seen his temptress. In those two weeks he'd learned everything he could about her, which included her involvement with multiple charities, including her own. Tonight was a black tie event. He'd managed to make a few calls and get himself an invite as a plus one.

Chuck escorted Hilary McCoy, a flirty red haired philanthropist who was known well in the social elite. He watched the theatrics from the sidelines for a while. Dancing when appropriate, mingling with the regal socialites. He watched amused as Prince Ian and his wife danced lovingly and he'd lean down to whisper something in her ear, often causing her to blush. He waited patiently for the time to approach his siren. It was far more entertaining for him to see her flit from group to group, a perfect smile upon her features, her eyes sparkling with delight. He waited for Hilary to be preoccupied before he made himself appear before Fiore. He delighted as surprise filled her features.

"It's good to see you again," Chuck smiled, the tone in his voice teasing.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Fiore hissed, keeping her face a pleasant mask.

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