A powerful ally who didn't play by the rules could be useful.

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"Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men.  It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory." - George S. Patton


Chapter 29

Fiore woke to a solid warmth against her back and a weight across her waist. It took Fiore a moment to regain her senses. There was Chuck in her bed.

"Go back to sleep," Chuck groaned as his arm tightened around her.

Fiore pulled Chuck's arm off of her. "I don't cuddle," Fiore reminded him as she scooted away.

"You didn't seem to mind last night," Chuck sighed as Fiore scooted away from him.

"Don't start that. I expect this sort of shit from Freddy or Alan, but not from you."

"Who are they?" Chuck asked, an eyebrow raised.

"People I fuck." Fiore dismissed as she stretched. "Get over it."

"What makes you think I care?"

"I hope you don't." Fiore sighed as she settled herself comfortably on her pillows.

Chuck watched Fiore, admiring the view he had of her bare back to where it disappeared under the covers.

"Quit staring, I can't sleep with your eyes on me and I need to sleep," Fiore's muffled voice growled.

Chuck smiled. "Always ordering people around,"

"Always. Now shut up and go to sleep or leave." Fiore sighed as she curled in on herself.

Fiore managed to fall into an uneasy sleep and when she woke up her bed was empty. With a sigh she got up and dragged herself into the shower. When she got out, she noticed someone had brought in breakfast.

Fiore changed into a simple high neckline dress that fell just below her knee with a pair of black Louis Vuitton red bottoms. Fiore pinned her hair back from her face and applied light make up. She then called Dr. Douglas.

"I've been expecting this call."

"We need to meet."

"Well, I'm in Costa Rica." Dr. Douglas offered.

"Dr. Stevens recommended a surgery. Is that your recommendation too?"

"I'd like to actually see you and the results in person before I make a recommendation."

"Should I come to you or will you come to me?"

"Where I work isn't the best place. But I can't afford to take a lot of time away from my work to cater to you. I hope you understand."

"I do. A flight from there to Miami is what 5-6 hours?"

"Depends on the plane, but yes."

"I'll send a private plane for you. I'd assume your expenses. Could you take a weekend off and see me?"

"I can, now Fiore, I've heard about your work. This is something you want to be low profile. You flying a random doctor to Miami isn't low profile."

"I can spin it. I'd be happy to support your work. It's then a simple business transaction to the world.  I'm very good at getting the media to spin a story in my favor.  Can you spare a weekend?"

"No, but this Wednesday and Thursday I can swing it."

"Perfect, what do I need to do and bring?"

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