Don't forget, because I won't, nor will I forgive. I'm a vindictive bitch.

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"She's been through hell. So believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles." - E. Corona


Chapter 54

Frustrated, shaky, and hungry Fiore stepped out of the godforsaken car she'd spent the past eleven hours in. They'd run into traffic which slowed their progress. Fiore greeted her friend, a musician who had a home here in Atlanta.

"Fi!" He hugged her and spun her.

"Thanks for helping on such short notice." Fiore breathed, once he set her down.

"You saved me when we broke down outside of London. This is the least I can do."

"Thank you." Fiore followed her friend to the tarmac. "Next time I'm in town, I'll take you and the whole band out to eat."

"I'll hold you to it, Fi."

Fiore said her goodbyes before she sent Montoya, one of her pilots to the front.  Phillips would serve as co-pilot.  She strategically chose those two.  Kenneth trusted them explicitly. That was enough for Fiore.

Fiore breathed a sigh of relief as when the plane finally touched down. A car was waiting and Montoya drove Fiore to her new home. The first thing Fiore did was dismiss all the help. They weren't hers, so she didn't trust them. Once inside, Fiore pulled on a mask and she, Phillips, and Montoya got to work sanitizing the master suite. Fiore was exhausted when she laid down. The previous owners had taken the furniture with them, and the new furniture would be delivered tomorrow. Once it was safe, the rest of her team would join her.

Fiore made herself as comfortable as she could.  Phillips had gone out to purchase a mattress and pillows and blankets, food, and a few other necessities.  When Fiore's phone rang and Chuck's name flashed Fiore quickly ignored his call.  She had Kenneth call him instead to collect whatever data he had for her.  It wasn't long before Kenneth was calling her back.

"Your puppy bites." Kenneth growled. "He won't give the information to anyone but you."

"Very well. Tell him if he doesn't give you that information he will suffer the wrath of Fiore and I will do everything in my power to destroy him."

"He's baiting you."

"I know."

"How are you planning to retaliate?"

"I don't know yet."

"Fiore, he's trying to find you. Who all is there now?"

"Still just Montoya and Phillips."  Fiore heard a slew of curses come from under Kenneth's breath.  "Remember that they were hand selected by you."

"But they aren't me." Kenneth sighed.  "I just don't trust anyone else with your life."

Fiore nodded.  "I understand.  It's why you're my right hand.  Which is precisely why I sent you the other way.  You follow like my shadow. You're my tell. So hurry up and split the teams as it is and get back. If Chuck is not compliant, send the appropriate message."

"With pleasure."  Kenneth hung up and Fiore shook her head.  She'd certainly dug herself a pit.  If anything happened to her family, she'd never forgive herself.  Or Chuck for that matter.  He wouldn't have to worry about anyone but her.

Fiore's phone started ringing and she ignored it.  Chuck was going to play by her rules or not at all if he wanted any contact.  Fiore phoned Kenneth.  "What did he say?"

"He doesn't want to play by your rules."

"And my message?"

"Do you want a media attack, to cripple one of his businesses, or legal action?  I can have him at the top of Interpol's most wanted."

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