You gamble carelessly with my life.

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"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say." - Bryant H. McGill

The view from Fiore's home in Tortola from the poolside.


Chapter 40

On his second day, Fiore wasn't surprised to see Chuck outside her window. He was wearing a mask across his nose and mouth, but still disregarding her rules.

"Why are rules such a problem for you?" Fiore drawled as she called for Kenneth. Kenneth was less than pleased to see Chuck outside Fiore's window. "Since he can't respect rules, fetch me a mask."

"It's not nearly as big a deal as you're making it." Chuck sighed.

"Except it is." Fiore snipped. "I have virtually no immune system. A cold you can fight off could quite literally kill me. Your ego isn't worth my life. This is not a joke."

"I'm wearing a mask." Chuck appeased. "You're not really angry with me."

"Chuck, you better have some good news for me."

"I do. Do we no longer banter? This will be very dull indeed if our games are at an end."

"Chuck you gamble carelessly with my life. That isn't a chip I'm going to casually play with."

"If I'd been around anyone ill I'd understand your precautions."

"Chuck, get to the point."

Chuck stared at Fiore for a long moment. "You were serious then? Well five days doesn't work for me. I won't be here five days.  I have to leave today.  And I didn't travel around the world not to see you."

"Then you can stay outside.  Tell me what you have to tell me and be on your way."

"I've managed to buy off the publications that should be a nuisance to you. Your lack of physical appearance and failure to reprimand the current offenders has left them more brazen than they should be. And as I have more to deal with than a favor to you, I will be leaving in a few hours."

Fiore nodded. "If you come back, the rules remain the same. You will need to be quarantined if you plan to be in the same room as me. I'm serious LeGrande."

"I know you are."

"Goodbye Chuck."

"I'll see you soon, Fiore."

Fiore rolled her eyes and it wasn't long before Kenneth brought in a manilla folder. "This is apparently what he's been working on." Fiore opened it and took note of the names, photos, and publications. Chuck was good and he knew it. It was the main reason Fiore hadn't tried to remove him yet. Even the most unpleasant nuisance could be of use, and Chuck wasn't altogether unpleasant most of the time.

Fiore turned the energy she had back to her family. She needed to make her grip known to those who doubted her. She'd have to make a show of power without physically showing up anywhere. That was the challenge for Fiore. One of the best ways she would intimidate would be the show up unexpectedly in front of them, like she'd done to Dante.

It would take more cunning than usual for her.  Fiore began studying her prey, their habits, their likes, their dislikes, their fears.  She was going to become their worst nightmare.  Fiore made a few calls and got some people on the legwork for her.  It would not be long.

Fiore underwent her next round of chemo and it was less time this time before she felt the affects. About three days later Fiore called Kenneth in hold a lock of her long hair between her fingers, a far away look in her eyes.

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