Fiore never allowed herself to lose at anything. She didn't intend to start now.

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"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." - James A. Garfield


Chapter 35

Now that things had settled, it was New Years Day and all the festivities had settled and Fiore had a promise to keep.

Fiore texted Ian.

It's back.

Within a minute Fiore's phone was ringing. 

"What do you mean it's back?"  Ian demanded.

"You know what it means." Fiore deadpanned.

"Where are you?  Are you in the country?"

"I'm at home."

"Stay there, I'll be there soon."  With that Ian hung up.

Fiore leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling.  The information still hadn't fully hit her yet.  The gravity of the situation hadn't fully sunk in.  Fiore swirled the brandy in her glass as she reflected on everything.  Fiore was thinking when Ian barged into her study.  He looked half mad as he rushed over and wrapped his arms around Fiore.

Fiore let Ian hold her and slowly wrapped her arms around Ian.

"Who knows?" Ian asked softly, after a long moment.

"Just you." Fiore lied.

"And when are you telling the others?"

"I'm not."

Ian pulled back.  "You're what?"

"There is no reason for them to know."

"Of course there is!" Ian shot back.  "You can't not tell them."

"Ian, this is not yours to tell.  You are the only person who knows about this and I want it to stay that way."

"You mean I can't tell Lana?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

Ian ran a hand through his hair.  " I don't like keeping secrets from her."

"I know.  And I apologize for putting you in that position, but you're the only one I trust."

"You've beaten this before."

"I know."

"You can beat this again."

"I'm aware."

"How long have you known?"

"A couple of months."

"Months!  A couple of bloody months!" Ian demanded.  "And you waited this long why?"

Fiore shrugged. 

"And treatment?"

"I start tomorrow."  Fiore sipped her brandy.  "Which is why I'm enjoying this drink tonight.  Would you care to join me?"

Ian sighed and took the seat opposite Fiore.  "Well I'm not going to let you drink alone."

Fiore smiled.  "No, you were always good about that." Fiore poured Ian a generous glass of brandy.

"You know you have to tell them eventually." Ian reminded her as he accepted the glass.

"I have to do no such thing." Fiore countered.  "And I'll do no such thing."

"Your father at least deserves to know."

"I'm not telling anyone. Not if I'm going to win."


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