"You know I don't bluff."

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"Fear is the tool of a man-made devil. Self-confident faith in one's self is both the man-made weapon which defeats this devil and the man-made tool which builds a triumphant life." Napoleon Hill


Chapter 17

Fiore was surprised that the information Chuck had provided was true. A crisis had been averted.

Fiore called Chuck.


"Thank you."

"I see you actually did what you were told."

"Don't push it." Fiore warned. "Thank you." Fiore hung up without another word.

She shook her head. That had hurt her pride to admit that, but Fiore would give credit where credit was due.

It was Thursday and she was in a private hospital wing. Curtis Anderson was a shell of a man. The stroke had paralyzed him on half of his body completely and due to lack of oxygen most of his mental faculties had diminished. He could recognize people and squeeze a hand, but he couldn't talk or walk anymore. Fiore was waiting in his room when Dante walked in. He froze in his tracks.


"Dante." Fiore smiled. "Have a seat."

"What are you doing here?"

"I think you know why I'm here." Dante visibly paled. "You of all people should know what happens to people who try to push me." Fiore smiled, a serene look on her face. "What do you think is going to happen?"

Dante gulped.

"Three guesses." Fiore urged and waited patiently, enjoying watching Dante squirm. "No?" Fiore offered, making Dante fidget in the uncomfortable silence. "Daddy dearest has some pretty expensive medical debt. How on earth are you affording it?" Dante realized then Fiore's intentions.

"Would you take him off life support?"

"You have two choices here." Fiore warned, her voice icy. "Either he dies, or I will permit him medical care. Curtis was a good man. But if I take over his medical expenses, you never see him again. If you do, I will take him off life support the very minute I find out."

"Why are you doing this?" Dante demanded.

"You are the one who picked a fight with me." Fiore reminded him. "I would have been more than happy to leave your pathetic family alone, but you kicked a sleeping dog. You shouldn't be surprised that this dog bites."

"You give a whole new meaning to the word bitch."

"My, how creative," Fiore mused. "Because I've never heard that one before." Fiore rolled her eyes. "Make your choice. I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day."

"Would you really do this? You know me! You know my father!" Dante pleaded.

"And you know me. You should have thought of that before you picked a fight. What did you think I would do if you tried to forcibly seize my company?"


"Does your father die or do you give him life and walk away? Knowing you, you'll probably do the noble thing, but I'd love for his blood to be on your hands." Fiore smiled.

To anyone looking in, they'd suspect they were talking about nothing more serious than the weather.

"You'd really do it."

"You know I don't bluff."

Dante sighed. "And you'll make sure he has good care?"

"I do not break my word."

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