We do what others don't. That's why we have what others won't.

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"I still don't belong to anyone - I am mine." - Morrissey


Chapter 49

Fiore was finishing combing through expense reports when there was a knock on her study door.  It opened before she acknowledged it.

"You still forget your manners." Fiore snipped not looking up at the figure in her doorway.

"And you forgot my invitation." Chuck grinned right back.

"I didn't forget anything." Fiore corrected as she finished the page she was on.  "What do you want?"

"So we're back to this?" Chuck asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Back to what?  I never belonged to you and I never will."

"You wound me, Fiore." Chuck smiled.  "If I do not get an invitation I will come anyway."

"Chuck you have no manners." Fiore rolled her eyes.  "What do you want?"

"I haven't heard from you since you asked me to leave."

"That's because I haven't tried to contact you."

"What is this between us?"

"Nothing.  Chuck, no matter how good a shag you may be, that still doesn't make us anything together."

"Do not forget you still owe me."

"That does not mean you get invited to every event I host. I have more than enough on my plate as it is, adding you and your personal flavor of insanity to the mix is not ideal."

"You think I'm insane?"

"You are the very definition of insanity. You try the same thing again and again and expect different results. You're an asset, but you aren't irreplaceable."

"I'm not?" Chuck asked eyebrow raised.  "And if I remove myself from the equation?"

"Then I have to figure something else out.  And you would make an enemy of me.  You would also lose all trust you've built.  Neither of us are second chance people."

"So that would be it."

"Correct." Fiore nodded . "Oh, and don't forget that I'm a vindictive bitch." Fiore smiled, and both knew that smile was a promise of pain.

Chuck nodded. "Fiore, who is escorting you?"

"Not you."

"I still expect an invitation."

"God damn it Chuck!" Fiore shouted, slamming her hands on her desk as she stood.  "You know what this really is. And it has nothing to do with a charity event. It's a show and you cannot help with the performance I'm putting on. Everything has been calculated, and you don't factor into the equation to accomplish my goal."

"What your goal?"

"I plan to remind people who Fiore is and warn them what happens when they cross me."

Chuck watched Fiore for a long moment.  "You need to do something just for you.  You're putting too much pressure on yourself and if you're going into war, you'll need your energy." Chuck observed.

"Chuck, this is not about you.  This is not even about me and I think you know that.  I understand you better than most, but right now, I need you to try to understand me.  Could I benefit from our alliance?  Certainly.  Will I risk an empire for your alliance?  Absolutely not.  I don't want us to be seen together at this event.  And you should bloody well know why.  You and I both know who's following you."

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