It's my job to protect this family. And I will do just that.

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"Responsibilities are given to him on whom trust rests.  Responsibility is always a sign of trust."  - James Cash Penney


Chapter 20

Fiore had taken the liberty of bringing Henry's favorite dessert with her. He took one look at it and sighed. "It's that bad?"

Fiore nodded. "It could have been."


"But I intercepted it before it became a problem. Your sons are far too much alike."

"What did he do?"

"The same thing Ian, Christine, and I did. He's a fifteen year old boy. He also has an ego to match Ian's at that age."

"What did he do?"

Fiore handed him the article. "This is not being published, but it could have been."

"They have photos,"

"Claim photoshop. Most of this can be easily explained away if someone else has this story as well. No reputable publication will print this story. Some silly gossip magazine might try, but I will destroy them if they do."

Henry's eyes skimmed the article. "So how much of this is accurate?"

"Enough to be an issue. Alex has more people watching him than he realizes and that if he does something as novel as trip it will make headlines. I have already spoken with him."

"Why do I not feel comforted by that?"

"Because you know what I instigated when Ian and I were fifteen. Have faith in me. He understands what will happen if he does anything like this again."

"Should I consider this handled?"

"From the publicity side, yes.  From a parental side, I'm not the most qualified to give advice, but put the very fear of God into that boy.  Bring his ego down a peg or two.  Don't be any more lenient than you would have been on Ian.  Remember what you made Ian and I do after we decided to go drinking and party and the paparazzi caught us making fools of ourselves downtown?"

"That was about two months before we made a decision to hire Lana to babysit you lot." Henry grumbled.

"Maybe Alex needs that too.  Just don't hire anyone as spineless as Gunther.  He was too dense and too easy to outwit and dodge."

"Would you look into that?"

Fiore took a deep breath.  "I can.  I will line up some candidates, but it's your decision."

"I trust your judgement."

"I appreciate that, but I'd rather not make the final decision."

"Very well.  How much time do you need?"

Fiore double checked her calendar.  "I'll need at least a week to begin my search.  Probably a month before I've narrowed down the list of candidates."

"Very well.  Anything else?"

"No, Your Majesty.  That's everything."

"I know this was difficult for you, you want to protect Alex, but you're also his confidante and friend."

"He may not like all of my decisions and he may not like me for some of my decisions.  But it's my job to protect this family. And I will do just that."

"Thank you, Fiore."

"It's my honor. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"You already have more than your fair share." Henry acknowledged.

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