They brought this upon themselves.

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Well my darlings, I must say I'm quite surprised with the jump in followers! I don't know what I did but thank you guys! Because that made me feel amazing, I'll be giving you two updates this week as a small thank you. I really appreciate your support, you don't understand what it means to me.

"Life is like a game of poker; you have to play the hand you're dealt. A wise player can play a weak hand a win the game." - Rick Warren


Chapter 46

Fiore was in her office pouring over notes from board meetings she'd missed when her door was thrown open and a fuming Christine blocked the doorway.  For a petite blonde, Christine could be menacing when she was angry.

"Hello Christine, how can I help you?" Fiore answered politely.

"We're you ever planning on telling me you're back?" Christine demanded.  "You've been God knows where doing God knows what!  And then I find out you were at a press conference two days ago and that you've been in London for weeks!  When were you planning on telling me?"

"We're supposed to have brunch tomorrow." Fiore offered as she clasped her hands in front of her face and rested her elbows on her desk.

"Weeks though!  You've been here for weeks!  Why haven't I seen you?  Or the babies?  You know how Nicky adores you!"

"Christine, have a seat and tell me what this is really about.  Kenneth!" Fiore called.  "Would you bring refreshments?"

Christine was still angry with Fiore and Fiore knew it.  Fiore knew how to diffuse Christine and that was not what Christine wanted. 

"No.  Don't be polite now after you've ignored me for months." Christine snipped.

Fiore sighed, closed her laptop, and leaned back in her chair.  Anger didn't suit Christine and she didn't hold it well.  "Christine, I haven't ignored you.  Don't be rash.  Sit down and let's be adults about this." Fiore soothed. "Then you can yell at me all you like while we have tea and biscuits. How's that sound?"

"Like you know me too well. I'm mad at you."


"And I want to stay mad at you."

Fiore gave Christine a cheeky grin. "Yes, staying angry was always your strong suit."

"This isn't funny, Fiore."

"I know." Fiore agreed, her voice soft, a knowing smile still on her lips. "Go on then. Get it out. Shout at me. Tell me everything I've done wrong. Bring everything up you can think of, including when I accidentally set your dress on fire when I was trying to get back at Emma Fairchilde for trying to sleep with my ex." Fiore watched as Christine fought the smile that tried to turn the corners of her lips.

"Fiore!" Christine whined as she struggled to keep her anger. "You can't do that this time." Christine said finally. "I don't understand what I did or why you didn't want to see me . . . see us."

"Christine," Fiore offered quietly. "What on earth gave you the idea I didn't want to see you. You're my sister, and I love you. And there's almost nothing you could do to get me out of your life. So relax, you did nothing wrong and I'm the one who's been in the wrong."

"Tell me why then.  Where have you been? Ian knows something but won't tell me and it looks like now Alex knows too. What is going on? Why won't you talk to me?" Christine demanded, close to tears.

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