Did you forget you're royalty? Or who you're with for that matter?

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"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate and praise in your life." - Oprah Winfrey


Chapter 50

Much to Fiore's chagrin she phoned Henry. 

"Fiore, what is it?"

"Your Majesty, the information I got about Alex was incomplete.  I have more now.  He's not the intended target.  I am.  And I am only bait for someone else.  You needed that information, but I'm already working on it.  I don't believe the prince's life is at risk, but I remember when Ian and I were 15.  We're all careless and convinced we're invincible at that age.  I wouldn't reduce security, but I thought you should know that."

"Thank you, Fiore."

"Anything else you need of me?"


"Then I'll see you and Aunt Cassie at the ball.  Have a safe trip.  Thank you."

"Thank you, Fiore."  Henry hung up and Fiore sighed. She felt the tension, and maybe she was the one creating it. Fiore wasn't used to feeling this way around Henry.  It was something she wanted remedied immediately.

It was still early, but Fiore knew tomorrow would be busy and long so she went to bed early.

Fiore woke early and smiled.  She had always loved spoiling Alex and she'd done it since he was little.  And Fiore knew sixteen was a big year.

Fiore pulled up to the palace and knew Alex wouldn't be up yet. Fiore made her way to Alex's room before she jumped on his bed and started shooting him with foam darts.

"Get up! It's your birthday!" Fiore laughed as Alex shouted and fell out of bed.

"Bloody hell!" Alex shouted as he pulled a sheet around himself, embarrassed to just be in his boxers. "Get out you maniac!"

Fiore laughed as she threw the Nerf gun on his bed. "Get up and get dressed. I'm taking you out."

"Get out!" Alex shouted as he threw a pillow at Fiore. Laughing Fiore left Alex to get ready.

"Have you already attacked him then?" Ian asked as he came down the hall.


"You never give him a chance." Ian laughed.

"He's sixteen. He should have an idea by now."

Ian just shook his head and laughed. Birthdays were important to Fiore. She made them special for everyone she cared for. Alex's birthday was more a spectacle than anything else. Fiore did nothing halfway.

Fiore and Ian were talking and Ian was telling Fiore a story about how Louis had said his first curse word and used it correctly and how Lana had wanted to kill Ian. Where else had he learned it?

"It's my birthday, can't I sleep in?"

"No." Fiore laughed. "That would be a waste. Let's go. I have surprises for you."

"I get some time with my brother on his birthday too!" Ian demanded.

"No. He's mine to monopolize. Besides, my surprises are always better." Fiore teased as she stuck her tongue out at him. "Plus I'm his favorite."

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