Befriend the ones you can, and the ones you can't, find their dirt

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Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. - Sun Tzu


Chapter 14

Ian and Fiore were sitting in what was once her father's study. Fiore has long since claimed it as her own. "I'm having a drink. This is good scotch. Always better when shared. Two fingers neat?" Fiore offered.

"On the rocks." Ian corrected.

"Very well," Fiore poured drinks for herself and Ian, handing him his.

"This is bad."

"I know." Fiore took a sip. "My reputation is what allows me to keep you and yours safe."

"Fiore, no one appreciates the sacrifices you've made more than me,"

"Ian, you know you can't change my mind on this. Don't waste your breath."

"You're basically my little sister. I'm going to try to protect you."

"You are Prince Ian, the people's prince and heir to the throne. I am Fiore, the royal attack dog." Fiore pointed out. "You have your role and I have mine. I have connections and there are things I can do that you cannot."

"Fiore," Ian growled.

"Don't do that. I made my choice a long time ago. That's why you rely on me and so do your parents." Fiore deadpanned.

"Fiore, I-"

"Enough," Fiore cut Ian off. "That is not the reason why I needed your help. That article has more to do with Alex than it does with you." Ian nodded. "Especially because Alex is just like you were at that age,"

"I was not!" Ian defended. "I wasn't like that at all!"

"Of course you were. You were self-absorbed, thought you were invincible, and God's gift to all woman kind." Fiore laughed.

"I was not."

"Yes, you were. You were also brooding and thought everything was the end of the world."

"No, I wasn't."

"Do you remember Rebecca Kensington?"

"Vaguely," Ian sighed.

Fiore smiled. "I'll wager more than vaguely." Fiore teased. "You were obsessed with that twit."

"Is this going somewhere?" Ian grumbled.

"And what did I tell you?"

"Honestly, are we going to do this?"

"That's right! I told you that she was a filthy gutter snipe and you shouldn't give a flying monkey fuck what she thought."

"You're actually having fun with this," Ian sighed.

"And what happened? That press whore broke your heart and went after your best mate. And what happened after she got the publicity from that?" Ian gave Fiore a flat look remembering all to well. "Exactly, she then broke Chad's heart. Sweet, wonderful, caring, white knight Chad."

"You broke his heart too."

"True, but for very different reasons. Chad and I can't work. Besides look at him and Katie. They're perfect for each other."

"I can't argue with you there, but you need to understand that you can have that too."

"And here's the rub. I don't want that." Fiore deadpanned. "I'm perfectly happy being Auntie Fiore and the one who fixes everything. And wait a minute, we're getting off task. Alex."

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