I don't do love.

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"Sometimes we want what we want even if we know it's going to kill us." ― Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch

Merry Christmas!  Enjoy my darlings!


Chapter 27

Bright and early Fiore started getting things ready for the ball. Thank God she wasn't hosting. Katie wasn't able to make it, she wasn't feeling her best and didn't want to travel. Fiore understood completely.

Fiore had already flown to Florence, and while she wasn't hosting, she was good friends with the host, Bradley Carmichel. 

"Well hello there," he smiled as Fiore waltzed in. 

"Hello to you too, Bradley." Fiore smiled back.  "Where is your decorating crew?"



"So I'm fumbling around here trying to get set up."

"So are you asking for help?"

"I wouldn't say no."

"Hang on."  Fiore pulled out her phone and started scrolling.  "There we go.  Jamison?  Hello darling,yes, yes, you too .  . . Get me a crew in Florence?  . . . You're the best . . . Next time we're in the same town, sure thing . . .Okay, thanks."  Fiore hung up.  "How do you run your charity?"

"I'm not the one and only Fiore.  Please have some grace for us poor normal peasants." He teased as he climbed off a ladder.

"They'll be here within two hours." Fiore promised as Bradley pulled her in for a hug. 

"You're a godsend."

"I just have connections."

"What have you been up to? I haven't heard any rumors of you attacking people lately?"

Fiore shrugged. "I've been keeping the rumor mill quiet is all."

"Glad to hear it. Who are you bringing as your date?"

"Just an acquaintance."

"Any chance I can steal you from him after the event?"

Fiore laughed. "You can try. It might might not end well for you."

"Who would you prefer to spend the night with?"

"Now, now, don't start that."

"Start what?"

"You know what." Fiore laughed.  "You always do this."

"Do what?"

"You play innocent and start all sorts of drama because you come late to the party and don't ask the person you want to come with to come."

"She told me no," Brad admitted.

"Then make her jealous."

"That's what I was hoping you could help me with."

Fiore rolled her eyes.  "There's a story here.  Order us something to eat while we wait for the crew to get here."

Brad ordered for them and as the crew showed up, the caught up.

"So, she's mad at me because of the whole misunderstanding with her sister, who completely hates me, and won't talk to me.  She'll be here tonight."

"Miranda always did hate me." Fiore mused as she took a sip of her water.  "I can help you.  I'll be wearing emerald green tonight.  I do have a date, but I will tell him he has to share.  We'll make her jealous.  Who is she coming with?"

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