Sometimes there are casualties in war

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"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places." - Ernest Hemingway

Darlings, there are only 3 more chapters, including this one then the epilogue and then this piece will be finished. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I hope you fell in love with Fiore as much as I did and I hope you know how much I appreciate your support! I love you all my lovelies!!! <3


Chapter 59

Fiore spent the following weeks recuperating until she was cleared for the surgery.  Her donor was brain dead and only being kept alive by machines, so Chuck saw no harm in the donor remaining on machines a few more weeks.

Chuck and Kenneth had been her constant companion over the past few weeks and Fiore was somewhere between grateful and annoyed.  Finally it was the day of her surgery.

Fiore was wheeled in. It had been two months since she'd been off chemo and had been gaining weight again. There was more color to her complexion and her hair had started to grow again.

The surgery took five long, arduous hours. Kenneth and Chuck pensive as they waited for it to be over.

"She's too tough for something as trivial as her heart to stop her." Chuck assured Kenneth.

"She won't be denied once she decides something." Kenneth agreed.

"How did she end up like she is?" Chuck wondered aloud.

"Because life has been mercilessly cruel to her. Rather than bending to its weight, she learned how to take it and turn it to be her strength. Most people would have buckled under half the weight she's endured."

Chuck nodded. "She's one of a kind."

"Yes, she is. And no, I still don't think you're worthy of her. Especially after all the crap you've dragged her through lately."

Chuck nodded. "Well, I'm a selfish man."

"I've noticed.  Don't hurt her anymore than you already have." Kenneth warned.

"I've hurt her?"

"You've caused her more drama than she needed, you've made her job insurmountably more difficult than it had to be, you threatened her family, her reputation, and her businesses. You're a bloody daft fool if you think I haven't noticed and even stupider if you think Fiore doesn't have an accurate tally of her own."

"I've helped her too."

Kenneth shook his head. "Not how she works. You may have saved her life with that heart, but that won't make you squared in her book. You'll still owe her."

Chuck nodded. "I expected no less. She is an exquisite creature. She reminds me of Hera."

Kenneth stared at Chuck like he was an idiot. "Hera? The Greek goddess?"

"Yes. She was never given a fair chance. The fates cursed her time and time again. Every time she thought she was able to have a choice she'd be forced into another prison and another situation she couldn't escape. And yet, despite how vindictive and spiteful she grew, she never stopped fighting. She protected those she loved, those who crossed her she destroyed, just look at Zeus's other lovers, intentional or not. Just look at Heracles. There was no appeasing her. Once she had a grudge, it burned cold into her mind and she never let it go. Tell me that doesn't remind you of anyone." Chuck deadpanned.

"Then I'd be worried if I were you."

"Why's that?"

"She has a pretty serious grudge against you."

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