It depends on what has to be done.

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"I've already been through hell, so give it your best shot.  Not only will I survive, I will win." - Unknown


Chapter 26

Fiore was visiting one of the hospitals she frequently donated to and was waiting for Dr. Stevens.

Fiore smiled as Dr. Stevens entered her office.

"Well this is certainly a surprise." Dr. Stevens smiled back. "Although, I know there's only two reasons you've put yourself on my calendar."

"You know me well."

"I hope it's for a cheque and not the other reason."

Fiore gave a tight lipped smile.

"I see. Symptoms?"

Fiore nodded. "It's possible that I'm just getting older." Fiore offered. "But my energy levels have me concerned. Loss of appetite and I've been bruising more easily."

Dr. Stevens nodded. "Then I suggest a full round of blood work."

Fiore nodded. "I know. That's why I'm here."

A few hours later, Fiore's arm looked like someone had taken a baseball bat to it.  She'd worn a blazer strategically. 

"I'll have the lab look at it.  I wouldn't worry too much until we know anything for sure." Dr. Stevens assured her.

"I know." Fiore replied.  She looked completely at ease, though a coil of fear was wound tightly in her chest.  "Just being cautious."

"That's smart.  Get some rest."

Fiore hoped she was being paranoid.

She left the hospital and then headed for a board meeting.  No one would know what she'd spent her morning doing.  She pushed it to the back of her mind.  She'd done all she could for now.  Until then, she'd just act as though everything was normal.

Fiore was in the middle of a conference call overseas when Dr. Stevens called. Fiore excused herself for a moment and told them to continue without her.

"Dr. Stevens?"


Fiore took a deep breath.  "Well?"

"You should come down and discuss your results."

"Is it as I feared?"

"Fiore, when can you be down here?"

"In a few hours."

"Good, let's talk then."

"Should I clear my calendar for the rest of the day?"

"Rest of the week."  Dr. Stevens answered before she hung up.

Fiore felt the color drain from her face.  She rushed to the bathroom as a sudden wave a nausea hit her. She looked at herself in the mirror.  She knew she'd lost some weight, but she'd chalked it up to stress and constantly being on the go.  Fiore looked at the woman staring back at her. 

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