Warriors aren't defined by their scars, they just tell their stories.

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"I know what I'm capable of; I am a soldier now, a warrior.  I am someone to fear, not hunt." - Pittacus Lore, The Rise of Nine


Chapter 58

The next six weeks of Fiore's life were some of the most excruciating and taxing. The drug was doing what it was supposed to do, and it was decimating the cancer, but it wasn't just destroying the cancer cells.

Fiore was down to 39 kilos. Her body was constantly in pain and the rapid weight loss had taken its toll on her. Fiore's heart was struggling. She was sedated and in a medically induced coma on a respirator. Kenneth sat in the corner of her room, never breaking his guard. Chuck too had been a constant shadow to Fiore.

"She's going to need a transplant, isn't she?" Chuck finally asked Kenneth.

Kenneth nodded. "Probably. Who knows how long that can take?"

"Not long if you know how to look." Chuck dismissed. "Douglas is returning today, isn't he?"


Chuck waited patiently for Dr. Douglas to arrive. Henry and Cassandra had been notified and Kenneth had left the decision to them who else they shared the information with. When Dr. Douglas did arrive they had a brief discussion where he told Kenneth and Chuck the good news and the bad news.

"I can't find any evidence of the cancer in her blood work or on any of the tests I've run.  The masses are gone, and it looks like it's gone.  But her kidneys are weak, her heart is weak, and failing, and her lungs aren't able to keep up without her heart."

"Does she need a new heart?" Chuck asked.

"I can put her on the donor list, but it's a long list."

"Give me the specifics, all of them. I need to know exactly what needs to match."

"Mr. LeGrande, I don't know what you're planning-"

"Don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to." Chuck cut him off. "Theoretically, if I were able to find one, I need the specifics. Leave no room for error."

Dr. Douglas knew full well that this conversation wasn't theoretical in the slightest, but men who felt a need to travel with an armed escort everywhere were usually dangerous and important people. Brent Douglas gave Chuck the specifics he was looking for, against his better judgement, before he gave the number for an excellent heart surgeon. "Theoretically, if you wanted to ask someone about that kind of a surgery, this would be a good place to start."

Chuck left with Jax and Kenneth watched.  Kenneth did not break his vigil.  He let Chuck do whatever he needed to do.  In the mean time, he watched Fiore and prayed.

Chuck left the hospital and started making calls. Fiore was not going to lose a battle like this on his watch. Chuck had put out a watch for exactly what he needed. He would stop at nothing to find it.

In the mean time, he would try to dispose of the Mendoza problem. He was doing his damnedest to lead them away from Fiore. He was still desperate to protect her. He'd only felt this way once before in his life, and that was after his younger brother had been taken. Fiore was less soft than he had been, but in her current state, the fight she'd put up would be minimal.

If an attempt was made on Fiore now, Kenneth would die before he'd let her be taken. It would be a loss that Fiore would not forgive, and would place the blame entirely on Chuck's shoulders.

It took Chuck two weeks to find what he was looking for. He called the surgeon Dr. Douglas had suggested then called Kenneth.

"I have a replacement."

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