We both know there's a human behind your monster mask

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"He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking." - Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina

And this is dedicated to Senrab because they comment on ever chapter and I always look forward to at least that comment every chapter :)


Chapter 43

Fiore spent the next several days recovering still. Each day her appetite increased, and as she was able to eat more her strength and energy followed suit. Fiore still hadn't told everyone she was home.

She wanted to appear healthier before she paid visits. Fiore's only visitor was Chuck. Fiore worked herself ragged while he was away attending to his own business, but as he returned, Fiore would put her tablet aside and choose the warm embrace Chuck offered.

Fiore was lying in Chuck's arms content for the moment.

"I can't explain what's happening between us. I've never felt like this before." Chuck admitted, his arms around Fiore, his head nestled in the crook of her neck.

"Like what?"

Chuck wrinkled his nose as he thought about it. "I don't feel things like normal people. In fact, most of the time I feel nothing. I've murdered, stolen, hell I've destroyed countless lives. None of that bothers me. But just the thought of harm coming to you, it burns me. The thought of you miserable churns my stomach."

"Chuck, are you trying to tell me that you might actually care about someone else more than yourself?" Fiore mused.

Chuck's eyes burned into Fiore's. "All joking aside, I don't know how to deal with you."

"Deal with me?"

Chuck rested his chin in the crook of Fiore's neck. "After I've fucked a woman, I usually kick her out or leave."  Chuck admitted.

Fiore smiled as Chuck's grip tightened around her waist. "Do you want to kick me out then?"

"On the contrary, if you tried to leave, I'd throw that beautiful backside over my shoulder and bring you back here kicking and screaming if necessary." Chuck mused as he laid a gentle kiss on Fiore's shoulder. His stubble tickling the sensitive flesh. "I have a strange desire to hold you. Don't get me wrong, I enjoying fucking this gorgeous, little body of yours, but I find myself enjoying just holding you. I'm strangely protective of you."

"Chuck," Fiore asked, her voice serious. "Please tell me you're not falling in love."

Chuck scoffed. "The boogeyman doesn't love. You know better than that."

Fiore turned in Chuck's arms until her hazel eyes were burning into his stormy grey ones. "Chuck, we both know there's a human behind your monster mask." Fiore started. "Have you ever been in love before?"


Fiore's features softened.

"Have you?" Chuck asked, after seeing Fiore's reaction.

"I have."

Chuck's features hardened. He couldn't explain why that knowledge bothered him. "What happened?"

Fiore shrugged and gave him a sad smile. "It never worked out."


"Different reasons each time."

"It's happened more than once?" Chuck sounded surprised.

Fiore's eyes met his and she watched him curiously. "I've loved many times, but I've really been in love four times."

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