And since when do I pay you for your opinion?

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"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Dwight D. Eisenhower


Chapter 36

Fiore was back in Costa Rica. She was touring Dr. Douglas's facility, a face mask covering her nose and mouth.  Kenneth was wearing one too, just in case someone was taking photos. She watched his work in action while he gave her instructions on how treatment should go. Symptoms she could expect, symptoms she should report to him immediately if they occur. Her staff was with them taking notes.

"It's going to be a battle." Dr. Douglas reminded her. "But you can beat it."

Fiore nodded. "Is there anything else?"

"I'm sending you with extra antibiotics, pain killers, and Zofran for nausea.  The fewer people you're in contact with the better."

Fiore nodded.  "I understand.  Thank you for your assistance."

Dr. Douglas administered her first round of chemo and she was off.

"I have one to four days before I start feeling symptoms." Fiore sighed as she picked at lunch. "I already have no appetite."

"I think that's more nerves than the treatment." Kenneth offered.

Fiore shrugged. "I just never expected to have to go through this again."

"Well, none of us ever expect this sort of shit." Kenneth offered. "But the Fiore I know doesn't throw herself pity parties."

Fiore gave a small smile. "True. I should be using my time as best I can. Have you heard back about that man who was trailing Lana and Guili? Has that been handled?"


"Well what?" Fiore demanded.

"It's handled, but not the way you asked."

"And you're going to explain what that means?"

"It means this." Kenneth got up and picked up a folder. "These were sent compliments of your favorite stalker."

Fiore accepted the folder and realized they were the photos of Lana and Guili being tailed and the final photo was what looked like a crime scene. Behind the photos was a note.

This seemed to be a problem.
Problem solved.


A powerful ally who didn't play by the rules was going to be an invaluable asset.

Fiore picked up her phone and called Chuck.

"Oh, now she wants to talk?" Chuck purred.

"Thank you."

"You got my care package?"

"I did. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"And I assume this comes with a price?"

"Everything comes with a price."

"And the price for this is?"

"You'll see soon enough."

"Very well. But don't forget you did this without being asked. Goodbye Chuck." Fiore hung up and continued picking at her lunch. "I want eyes on LeGrande at all times. He's going to expect compensation for his heroics."

"A team has already been dispatched."

Fiore raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I anticipated and acted without your permission. That looked like Lana and Guili were in potential immediate danger. You were in the middle of treatment when those came in."

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