Fiore was stuck once again in this fight. She was going to win.

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"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."

Frank Herbert


Chapter 30

Fiore was staring at the group she'd hand picked.  They would be flying with her, but as soon as they landed she sent them to her family's yacht to prepare.  There was a very good chance their services would be of use within the day.  Fiore made her way to meet Dr. Douglas, carefully disguised, perfectly content to be invisible.  It was an art she'd perfected over the years.

Fiore had only Kenneth by her side and it was easy to look like lovers rather than a bodyguard and his ward to people who did not recognize her.  Once they were in the private room, Fiore separated herself from Kenneth, introduced herself, and took a seat.

"Dr. Douglas, something you'll find about me is my forwardness.  I do not believe in pointless small talk.  I much prefer to cut to the chase, I hope you can accommodate that."

"You're far from sensitive." Dr. Douglas agreed.  His keen blue eyes studying Fiore.  His sandy blonde hair had streaks of grey and it was obvious he'd been a very handsome man in his youth.  He was a man who'd aged well, and while he had a little extra weight around the middle, he looked to be a healthy man.  "What I want to know is why me?"

"I was treated by a colleague of yours, Dr. Gary Stevens.  It was important then and it's important now that this be treated with the utmost discretion."


"You know who I am.  I have a family and a country to protect.  I have made many enemies protecting both.  If it becomes public knowledge that I'm not in a position to be my normal vigilant self, I fear the repercussions.  What if that is when my enemies make an attempt on my king's life all because I missed something because I was distracted?"

"Do you really believe that will happen?"

"I have to admit I've made plenty of enemies.  They are kept at bay by fear.  I would be lying to myself if I chose to ignore that it is a distinct possibility.  And it is a mistake I will not make.  I have ruined countless lives for those who have crossed me and mine.  I have had to be ruthless towards anyone who threatened my family or the crown."

"So are you saying you're a bloodthirsty bloodhound?"

"Far from it.  While it's part of my position, I do not particularly enjoy stripping a man of everything he holds dear.  I'm vindictive when the situation calls for it, but I'm sure you're also familiar with my efforts to help people as well."

"You are heavily involved in children's medical research and have several facilities you fund to find cures and treatments.  I'm beginning to understand why."

"Pray tell,"

"Even your selfless acts reek of your selfishness.  You want your own cure, so you fight to find one under the ruse of  helping poor, sickly children."

Fiore's eyes narrowed.  "Kyla Michaelson age seven, Leukemia.  Jordan Hildegard, age three, Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  Ezekiel Matthews, age twelve, currently in remission but he was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma."

"What are you on about?"

"These are a few, and there are countless others.  Believe whatever you want about me, but that research and that desperate attempt to find a cure isn't for me.  It's because it was me.  It's because I remember how painful it was.  I remembered being hooked to an IV, and a feeding tube shoved down my throat, and it being decided I should just be sedated because I couldn't eat and being awake was too painful.  I remember the fear I held and hating the pity I got from almost everyone.  I do this because no child should ever feel that way.  I am not a good person, and to say I am would be an outright lie.  But this is probably the least selfish thing I do.  Do not trivialize their lives."

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