"She's one of a kind."

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"I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." - Groucho Marx


Chapter 7

Fiore held Colton while Angelica held Ryder. She smiled down at the squirming little bundle. Juliet was now sleeping peacefully. Apparently Colton had positioned himself sideways and Ryder was pressing into him before the c-section. Ryder was the bigger of the two at 3.08kg and 48cm. He had a tuft of jet black hair on his head that was currently covered by a blue cap. Colton was only 2.32kg and 43cm. He was almost bald but still adorable. He was moving in his sleep making soft little noises.

"He looks like Gunnar did," Fiore smiled.

"He doesn't look like me," Gunnar pouted.

"You had more hair when you were born." Fiore smiled. "But you were this tiny once."

Gunnar crossed his arms and sulked. "I don't like them," Gunnar pouted.

"Eventually you'll like them," Xavier promised as he kneeled in front of Gunnar.

"Nah-uh." Gunnar protested.

"Can I hold 'em?" Mia asked, her eyes big and hopeful.

"Xavier, if she sits on you lap, can she hold him?" Fiore offered.

"Sure," Xavier smiled. He sat in one of the chairs and pulled Mia up into his lap. "You have to be careful. Put your arms on mine, like this," Xavier showed her how as Fiore gentle placed Colton into his arms. "This is Colton. He's your baby brother."

"What does he do?"

"Nothing much yet." Xavier chuckled. "Right now, he's sleeping. He'll sleep, and eat, and cry a little bit for a few months. Then, just like you did, he'll start to learn how to do things. Pretty soon he'll learn how to crawl and walk and talk."

"Can I play dress up with him?"

"When he's older." Xavier promised. "And if you ask really nicely, I'll bet mummy might let you help her pick out their clothes."

"He smells funny," Mia wrinkled his nose. "I'm done now,"

Mia went to jump down and everyone's eyes went wide. Fiore was there to catch Colton as Mia very nearly knocked him down. A now crying Colton was safely placed in Xavier's arms.

"Mia," Xavier's voice warned, his face pale. "Fiore, please hold Colton, I need to talk to Mia."

Mia had tears in her eyes as Xavier led her out by the hand.

"Oooooh, Mia's in trouble," Gunnar sang.

"Be nice to your sister. Do you know why she's in trouble?" Fiore chastised.

"Cause Daddy was holding Colton and Mia moved before she was allowed." Gunnar explained. "I almost dropped Mia when she was born and Daddy yelled at me for it."

Fiore smiled. She remembered that. "That's true. Do you know why that's such a big deal?"

"Cause if he falls he'll get hurt. Real bad."

"Very good." Fiore was rocking Colton who was rousing Ryder, now both of them were crying. Juliet started waking up.

"Why are they crying?" she asked groggily as Fiore and Angelica tried to soothe the twins, rocking and shushing them.

Xavier came back in with Mia in his arms, her little arms around his neck and she buried her head in his shoulder.

"Xav, are they hungry?" Juliet asked sleepily.

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