She was usually fighting for someone other than herself.

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Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price.  - Sun Tzu


Chapter 13

Fiore was pacing the tarmac furious. She looked up when her father's car pulled up.

"I am going to destroy him. He knows that, right?"

"Don't be foolish." Roderick chastised. "Let's eat and cool our tempers before we discuss how to remove our pest."

Fiore nodded. "Fine, lets go." Fiore boarded the plane and took her seat. Kenneth and Mason, her father's bodyguard, right behind them. "Let's talk."

"You're still angry. Calm down. Nothing productive comes from a hot head." Roderick instructed.

"I know, you're right," Fiore relented. "But I still want to rip that little buggers head off."

"And you will." Roderick smiled. "But with all the grace and poise you can muster. That's what makes you so frightening. You can regale and charm anyone, but at the same time, you're fiercely protective. No one messes with my daughter. They're all too frightened to."

"Have you seen the article this morning?"


"My ferocity is being questioned. That means I need to prove how cold and soulless I can really be."

"So destroy everything that matters to Anderson. Make an example of him. But do it the way you do best. Beat him at his own game."

Fiore nodded. "Of course, you're right."

"I knew you're temper was hot, that's why I kept you away from our meeting today. He needed to think you couldn't be bothered to see him."

Fiore nodded. "I see. He knew I was through with him long before we seized his father's company. He's a pompous know it all. Why don't we invite him to a board meeting. Between the two of us, we own 51% of the company. It's not like he can overtake one of our companies." Fiore offered.

"There, now you're cooling off." Roderick smiled. "And now what?"

"I'm going to humiliate the bastard. I'm going to destroy everything that means anything to him. Isn't his father ill? A stroke last year, if I remember correctly."

"He did have a stroke."

Fiore nodded. "Then perhaps I should pay Curtis a visit."

"Fiore," Roderick warned.

"Trust me, Father. I'm thinking clearly."

Roderick nodded. "Very well, I trust you. So tell me, how was the dinner last night?"

Fiore relayed the important details, gave her father the well wishes of several of his associates and then they discussed the next event. She had a month and a half before she had another event to host. This one would be in Florence, Italy.

"I made sure you had some time this month," Roderick offered with a small, woeful smile.

Fiore nodded. "I understand. I'll visit."

"She'd be so proud of you."

"Thanks Dad, but we don't need to have this conversation."

"Every girl needs her mother."

"Cassandra was a wonderful substitute." Fiore dodged. She'd practically been adopted by the royal family after her mother passed away. She and Ian only were 8 months apart. Cassandra had treated her just the same as she'd treated Christine. The same high standards, the same courtesy, Cassandra had loved Fiore as her own. During the times she'd needed that love most, it had been treasured. It was one of the many reasons Fiore fought so hard to protect her family. They'd taken her in and protected her when they didn't have to.

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