"I know. You're Not Mine."

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*Fiore's Dress*

"People do incredible things for love, particularly for unrequited love." - Daniel Radcliffe


Chapter 11

Fiore smiled graciously and greeted people as she came in, thankful that she wasn't hosting this particular event.

"Fiore, you look ravishing," smiled Thomas, one of her members on the board.

"You're too kind, Thomas," Fiore smiled.

"I told your father he was in trouble with you." Thomas smiled wagging a finger. "I always knew it and Hamilton! I haven't seen you around lately! How is your father?"

"He's doing as well as ever." Frederick smiled.

"And how are you holding up? Still with that pretty little thing, what was her name? Kimberly or what not?"

"No, actually, we split up." Frederick answered politely, with a smile on his face, but Fiore didn't miss that flicker in his eyes.

"Oh Thomas, if you'll excuse us," Fiore excused as she spilt a champagne flute on Frederick. "I'm so sorry, dear, I'm so clumsy." Fiore dragged Frederick off to the toilet. "I really am sorry," Fiore apologized. "But it was the easiest way out,"

"I know what you did and why." Frederick smiled as he shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on the door. "And thank you."

"Anytime, but when did that happen? Last I heard you bought a ring."

"I did."


"Well, she cheated."

Fiore sighed. "That's never fun. I'm sorry to hear it."

"What? No I told you so?"

"Gloating doesn't benefit me here." Fiore smiled. "I only say I told you so when it's funny. And it's not funny seeing you hurt."

Frederick shrugged as he loosened his tie while Fiore dabbed at the stain on his vest. "But you were right."

"First off, I'm always right, but on a serious note, Frederick, we've been friends a long time. Even if we didn't work out, I still care about you."

"I guess neither one of us is any good at relationships."

"At least I admit it." Fiore smiled.

"You deserve to have love in your life, Fiore. You deserve it just as much, if not more, than anyone else."

Fiore shook her head. "Nope, we are not having this conversation again." Fiore laughed. "My opinions haven't changed and from the sound of it, neither have yours."

"You're the one who said no."

"I'm not wife material, and I don't want to be."

Frederick shrugged. "You were always honest about what we were. I just wanted something that you didn't."

"Are we really going to do this right here? Right now?" Fiore asked, her eyebrow raised.

"No, I suppose not." Frederick laughed.

"Honestly Freddy, you're a hopeless romantic."

"Don't act like you aren't."

"I'm a realist. That makes it impossible to be a hopeless romantic."

Frederick took Fiore's hand and brought it to his chest. "You tell yourself that all you like." Frederick looked into Fiore's eyes for a long moment before leaning in to kiss her softly. "Thank you."

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