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Fiore sat quietly in her office reviewing numbers.  It had been thirty years since her mother has passed.  Her plane was leaving as soon as she boarded.  She was stalling the same as she did every year.

There was a quiet knock on Fiore's door before Ben opened it.  The two had started out sleeping together and eventually something more developed.  Fiore felt they were too old to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend.  She tolerated the term lovers.  They'd been sleeping together for a few years now. It was a strange relationship, but it worked for them.

"Are you finished stalling?" Ben grinned.

"Hardly." Fiore smiled back.

Since she'd rejoined the world, no one was the wiser of the battles she'd been through.  Her plastic surgeon was phenomenal.  There was hardly any evidence of her scars and even then you had to really be looking.  

"Whenever you're ready."  Ben was patient and kind and balanced Fiore out.  He understood doing what was necessary.  While he was noble and inherently good, he was also practical and had seen the evils of the world.  He didn't always agree with Fiore's tactics, but he didn't tell her she couldn't use them. He understood she had scars that she didn't let the world see. He saw the warrior in her. Slowly, over time she'd trusted him with her fears and horrors.

He knew she couldn't have children and he didn't mind. He had a son from a previous relationship, Carson, and he got him during the summer and they alternated holidays. Fiore was an excellent aunt and he loved watching her dote on them and the children her charities supported. He saw that despite her reputation and the hard edges she had, there was a softness to her, behind the armor.

"I have to go, don't I?" Fiore sighed. Somehow this was still one of the most difficult times of the year.

"You don't have to do anything." Ben assured her. "But you'll be angry with yourself later if you don't go."

"You're right."

Ben just smiled. Fiore ran a hand through her hair and Ben held a hand out to her. Fiore stood and walked into his arms.

"Stop being so right." She grumbled into his chest.

"When you stop being so beautiful I'll think about it."

Fiore smiled as she playfully smacked his arm. "Let's go."

Fiore led Ben out and Kenneth was waiting for her. He was still her ever present shadow. He drove her to the tarmac. They flew to the quiet little air strip and Ben was with Fiore as they walked to her mother's grave. Her father had joined her mother last year. He'd had a stroke in his sleep and went peacefully. No one had seen it coming, he wasn't that old, only his mid-sixties. Fiore missed him greatly. His shortcomings had never diminished her love for her father, perhaps how happy she was with him, but never her love.  She'd taken full control of the family's companies and brought up a few mentees to assist in the work she either didn't want to do or didn't have time for.

Fiore held Ben's hand as they lazily made their way to her parents' graves. Fiore stopped when she noticed fresh flowers on both graves. She looked around and it wasn't all the graves so it wasn't the care taker. Fiore knelt down and saw a small card.

I know you'll be here soon. I'll always watch over you.

~ C

Fiore smiled. Ben knelt down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "C? Is that from Cassandra or Christine?"

Fiore shook her head.


"No. Just an old friend."

Fiore sat with her parents for a while with Ben by her side.  She told them what she had been up to and what was going on with the family.  When she was ready she and Ben made their way back to the car and Kenneth and back to Fiore's home.

"Fiore, a parcel has arrived for you."

"Thank you, Hainsley."  Fiore made her way up to her office and there was a large envelope.

Inside were photos.  Photos of her, photos of people she considered a nuisance, and rivals.

"What's that?" Ben asked from the doorway.

"It's supposed to be a present." Fiore shrugged.

Ben walked over and wrapped his arms around Fiore's waist, his chin nestled on her shoulder. "Someone has a strange sense of humor."

"Someone wanted me to know they're still watching."

"Why are there photos of us?" Ben asked, suddenly alarmed. "Is someone stalking you?"

Fiore shook her head. "Well, maybe, but not in a dangerous way. This person was an old friend who watches from the shadows. He keeps my family safe."

"This seems dangerous."

"He won't hurt me.  He knows I'll ruin him if he does anything that pisses me off."

"Who is he?"

"Someone I used to know."

"Fiore, I know you can take care of yourself, but he seems like a dangerous man."

"He is.  That's why we're allies not enemies.  He's a bad person and he helps run the underworld of this entire planet.  He's probably done business with you indirectly."

"With me?"

"Yes, he supplies those in need with what they want, drugs, weapons, priceless artifacts.  He keeps the black market running."

"And you do business with him? Why?"

"Three reasons, first, he's a sociopath. You want people like him on your side. Second, he's a sociopath, people like him can be very useful if you need something done that you can't be seen doing. And third, he saved my life."


"My heart, he's the one who found the replacement. If not for him, I'd be dead."

Understanding flashed across his face. "I see." Ben held Fiore for a long moment. When they'd first met, Fiore had told him she didn't want a relationship. He found out later it was because she was sick. She never talked about that time, but when he'd asked enough questions, mostly out of concern and partially from curiosity, he'd found out she'd been sick enough to warrant a heart transplant. They'd been together a few years now, and even now Fiore shied away from labeling them. Ben knew marriage wasn't on her mind and she'd been up front about that. The two of them worked well together and he didn't doubt her faithfulness, so he allowed her to be comfortable. "Should I be worried?" Ben purred, a small smile on his lips.

"It's your bed I come to, so I wouldn't be." Fiore assured him as she turned in his arms to face him.

"Good." Ben grinned before he dipped his head for a kiss. "Because I don't intend to lose you."

"Well, then don't." Fiore teased. "When does Carson arrive?"

Ben checked his watch. "A few more hours still."

"Then should we enjoy the last bit of time we'll have just to ourselves for the next few weeks?"

Ben chuckled before he kissed Fiore again then lifted her in his arms. "That can be arranged."


Well my darlings, this is it. Thank you for coming on this amazing journey with me. Fiore has been a blast to write and I really fell in love with the characters. I fully intend to publish this. You can expect it to become available in paperback some time this fall, at the moment I'm planning on November 18th, 2016 provided there are no unexpected delays.  Once it's officially published this will end up coming down from Wattpad. I will give you a warning for that.

If not for your support, this never would have happened. Thank you my darlings, I love you all!!! <3

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