"He's going to learn the same thing you did and the same way you did."

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"You push me back; I'll push you back; harder, harder. You scream at me; I scream at you; Louder, louder. I'm dangerous; I'm warning you; But you're not afraid of me me; And I can't convince you." - You Don't Know Me - Elizabeth Gilles - Victorious


Chapter 16

Fiore was analyzing the Anderson problem when her phone rang.


"Fiore, don't do anything rash." Ian rushed out. "Alex did a stupid thing, cut him some slack."

"He's going to learn the same thing you did and the same way you did."


"I did cut him some slack, I did warn him. He did it anyway."

"He's never seen you in action."

"Relax, even if I'm peeved at him, I still like the boy. It's not like he's Amelia."

"Just please, don't go overboard."

"I imagine crossing me once will be enough for him."

"Just don't do anything to scar him for life please?"

"You just worry about you, Ian." Fiore warned. "And you might want to look into tact. You are as subtle as a brick, dear."


"I can predict you to a tee, and Alex is getting good at it too. Don't lecture him, because how did we react to that? Give him brotherly advice or do nothing. Otherwise he'll rebel. That is the last thing we need. Are we clear?"

Ian sighed on the other end. "I'm just trying to look out for him."

"I know, you're going all paternal. Alex doesn't need you to be his father. He has the same one you did. I distinctly remember the phone call after that romp about London with Juliet when your father told you, you know what. I remember how hard Henry was on you. You're the heir. Alex is the spare. He's also fifteen. He's searching for his significance. Be his brother and be his friend. That's what he needs from you. That's why he and Christine are so close. She's just his sister. She loves on him and lets him know if she thinks he's doing something he shouldn't, but she doesn't try to be his parent. She's just his sister and his friend. Get it?"

"I just don't want to see him do all the stupid stuff we did."

"Ian." Fiore deadpanned. "I am watching out for him. Do you honestly think I'm going to leave the boy stranded?"


"Exactly. Now, is there anything else? I've actually got some time sensitive work to do."

"No, I was just worried. Especially when you told him to bring up your purple dress and the rocking horse incident."

"I wanted him to see your reaction." Fiore shrugged. "Now, I love you, but I have work to do. Ta-ta Ian,"

"Bye Fiore."

Fiore turned her attention back to the Anderson problem. Fear and trepidation are always more powerful than a blunt threat, but Anderson would require both. Fiore learned that Anderson would be paying a visit to his father in two days. Fiore would already be there waiting when he arrived.

Anderson was a family man until his wife decided to leave him for the man she was having an affair with. His children were his entire world. Fiore smiled. This would be all too easy.

Fiore made the appropriate phone calls then leaned back in her chair. Men like Anderson had vendettas against the world and took their aggressions out on the wrong people. Of everyone in the world, Fiore was much better as an ally than an enemy.

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