Trusting you would probably be the most foolish thing I'd ever do.

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"I think there's a part in each one of us that wants the impossible to happen, and that's what surprises are."  - Gina Carano

A photo of what I imagine Fiore's living room would look like.


Chapter 38

Fiore heard a noise at her door.  "Kenneth, I told you-" Fiore growled at she sat up.  Fiore looked startled as she realized it wasn't Kenneth.  "What?  How?  Why?" Fiore stammered.

"You are an incredibly hard woman to find."  Chuck breathed as he took in her appearance.  Her hair was a tousled mess, no make up, she looked pale and had dark circles under her eyes.  It looked like she'd lost weight.  He began to wonder if she hadn't run just from him, but from everyone. 

Fiore swallowed hard.  "That was the point.  How did you find me?"

"Because I had to."  Chuck replied as he walked in the room.  "What's happened to you?" He asked as he sat at the edge of her bed.

Fiore ran a nervous hand through her hair.  This was a side Chuck didn't expect to see.  He'd imagined a million reasons for her to run, but the sight before him shocked him more than anything he could have imagined.  "You're sick." Chuck offered, not even asking.  He understood.

"Kenneth!" Fiore called, her voice sounding slightly horse.  Kenneth appeared in the doorway.  Fiore's eyes never left Chuck.  "Since you already know he's here, why haven't you offered our hospitality to our guest."

"Right away, ma'am." Kenneth answered disappearing as swiftly as he'd come.

"How did you manipulate Kenneth?"

"His love for you.  He was worried about you and hoped I might brighten your spirits."

"Is he how you found me?"

"No.  He just didn't shoot me when I got here." Chuck grinned before his features dropped, searching Fiore's eyes for answers.  "You ran to go through this alone." Chuck said finally.  "You didn't want anyone to know."

"Hard to be intimidating when you can barely hold your head up." Fiore snipped, disgusted by her body's betrayal and weakness. 

"You're in this state and still protecting them."

With a sigh Fiore laid back down, feeling drained. "I will always protect them."

"What is it?"

Fiore pursed her lips. "Nothing I can't handle." Fiore dismissed as she gingerly turned on her side, curling her legs up in an effort to dull the ache.

"So you won't tell me?"

"I won't admit it out loud to anyone." Fiore snipped. "And don't you go trying to guess." She warned.

Chuck found it amusing and endearing that despite the fact that even lying there was exhausting for her, she still was trying to play it off like she was in total control.

Kenneth knocked on the door. He brought in a tray with dry toast and tea for Fiore and coffee and a scone for Chuck.

"Thank you, Kenneth." Fiore acknowledge not bothering to sit up. She didn't have any pretenses with Kenneth and she was too tired to try to keep them up with Chuck.

"Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No, not right now." Fiore dismissed. "Thank you." Kenneth left Fiore and Chuck alone. "Why are you here again?" Fiore asked trying, and failing, to stifle a yawn.

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