You Know I'm Not That Thick Right?

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"Be happy in the moment, that's enough.  Each moment is all we need, not more." - Mother Theresa

This song is a cover of X Ambassadors "Unsteady" by the very talented Rob Harmon.  You should check out his YouTube channel when you're finished with this ;)


Chapter 34

It was Christmas Eve and Fiore grinned, arms full of presents wrapped in festive and shiny paper.

"Let me help," Xavier offered as soon as he opened the door. "What is all of this?"

"Me spoiling everyone." Fiore called from behind the presents. Duke, the dog, was barking happily at seeing Fiore again. Gunnar was shouting at Fiore and running over as Mia squealed in delight. "Where's Juliet?"

"She was feeding the boys last I checked." Xavier answered as he took the presents.

"Are those for us?" Gunnar asked, his eyes on the presents.

"Could be," Fiore smiled. "Guess you'll have to check the tags. But let's wait for Mummy."

Fiore set the gifts down by the tree in the living room and went to the nursery.  "Hello there, gorgeous."

"Fiore!" Juliet beamed.  She was just putting Ryder down.  "Perfect timing."  Juliet hugged Fiore. 

"They're getting so big!"

"Oh yeah.  Neither of them have any trouble eating.  Both are healthy and that's really all that matters.  How have you been?  It feels like it's been forever."

"Only a few months." Fiore dodged. 

"Mummy!  Fiore brought us presents!  Can we open them?" Gunnar shouted excited as he ran into the nursery. 

"Well, I suppose.  Go ask Daddy if we should right now and if he says okay, just wait for us okay?"

"Okay!"  Gunnar raced off shouting for his father.

Fiore couldn't stifle her laughter.  "I'll never get over that."

"If they're yours you can." Juliet snorted.  "That much energy at 5am is exhausting, especially when his brothers wanted to eat at 2am and 4am separately."

"Was that this morning?"

"Oh yeah.  And he woke up Mia with him because it's Christmas Eve and they knew you were coming.  And damn, my kids love you.  Speaking of, want to grab one and watch the others tear into the presents?" Juliet suggested as she picked up Ryder.

"Sure," Fiore smiled as she took Ryder from Juliet before she went to retrieve Colton.

Fiore watched Gunnar and Mia open their presents.  She found it funny how Gunnar would rip into the paper but Mia opened the corners first and didn't like it when the paper ripped.

When Gunnar and Mia were running around playing with their new toys Juliet gave Fiore a pointed look. 

"Yes?" Fiore offered.

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