"It was something suited for a queen."

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*Chuck's gifts for Fiore*

*I thought this song was perfect for Fiore :) what do you guys think?*

"On the day that your mentality; catches up with you biology; I want the one I can't have; and it's driving me mad; it's written all over my face." - I Want the One I Can't Have - The Smiths


Chapter 10

Chuck spent the better part of the next week focused on his hellcat. Fiore was like no one he'd ever met. Once he'd made sure Juliet and her children were well, he dove into whatever he could find about her. He found out about her countless charitable works. The multitude of businesses her father owned. She was an ally to the Royal family and a priceless asset to them.

He'd laughed as he found the story of her chasing the paparazzi with a sword when they snuck into one of her parties when she was seventeen. He'd noticed time and time again she'd find a way to protect Prince Ian and Princess Christine. It seemed she was needed less and less to corral them less and less once that advisor Ian married, Lana, came into play. Curious.

Whenever anything happened, Fiore was there. When Juliet arrived on the scene, Fiore played an intricate part. Time and time again, she was always right there, at the right place, at the right time.
Fiore was either a master puppet or the puppeteer. The more he discovered the more he convinced himself she was no puppet.

Chuck studied and studied over the information he was able to collect. It was incomplete, he was sure of it. He'd have Herrick's head for his lack of competency.

Fiore was benefactor to another benefit in Paris in two weeks.

"This better be important." Fiore growled.

"Have you chosen a date for your benefit in two weeks."


"Then I-"

"No." Fiore cut him off. "You aren't crashing another event. You've already made enough of a mockery of my work."

"Fair enough, how about we grab coffee while you're in Paris? I'd like to know about a few things."


"Oh yes. Very much so."

"And what do you think I want?"

"I think you want many things. I think you are far more complicated than I first gave you credit for. I think you are desperate for something you cannot have. Or at least you don't think you can. Tell me, myshka, am I warm?"

"Chuck, I think you are either playing a game or trying to ask for something I can't give you. Which is it?"


Fiore sighed on her end of the phone and ran a hand through her hair. "Fine, you can come to the benefit. It's just a dinner. But you're not my date."

"Why not?" Chuck mused. "I'm well liked, exemplary breeding, I can play the gentleman when it suits me. Fiore, you wouldn't have answered my call if you didn't want to."

Fiore rolled her eyes. "You're invited, don't push it. It's a black tie event. Don't make me regret this."

"I'll pick you up-"

"You'll do no such thing. I have my own date and it's not you. Goodbye Chuck."

Chuck smiled as Fiore hung up.

The next two weeks he'd carefully planned out. He had a different present delivered to her each day she was in Paris.

He had her favorite breakfast catered in for her on her first day. The second he had a gorgeous emerald earring, necklace set that held large rounded emeralds encapsulated with jagged rows of diamonds. It spoke to Chuck that said class, elegance, with just a hint of her fire, her wildness. She was like smoke to him. He could see her, he could smell her, he could touch her. But no matter how hard he'd tried he could not catch her. In fact, the tighter he tried to grasp her the faster she seemed to slip away. On the day before the event he'd had a dress from her favorite designer crafted just for her. It matched the jewelry he'd sent her perfectly. It was an elegant gown in emerald green. It left her slender shoulders bare and would hug her chest. The beading across the bust also had emeralds and diamonds sewn in. It would hug the contours of her body to her hips where it loosened slightly and then flared just above her knees. It was layered and wrapped around her.

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