There is more to my life than just sex, parties, and travel.

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"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia


Chapter 33

Fiore was laughing as Christine waddled back from the bathroom for the third time since she'd been there.

"You try having two babies using your bladder as a trampoline and see how well you fare." Christine grumbled, slightly out of breath as she dropped back into her seat unceremoniously

"That will never happen," Fiore chuckled.  "Besides this is far more amusing.  So are you and Greg ready for these two?"

Christine rolled her eyes. "Please, I doubt I'll ever be ready. Once they're not like Nicholas.  And for goodness sake, one of them better be blonde." She grumbled, still upset that both of her children looked far more like their father.

Fiore laughed. "You won't care so long as they're healthy and you know it. Once they're in your arms nothing else will matter."

"We'll see." She replied, a smile overtaking her expression. "Of course Greg loves to tease me about it nonstop. That and this giant belly of mine." Christine rubbed it lovingly.

Fiore felt that familiar pang of grief she felt when she saw the love Christine had for her children. Fiore smiled.

"So what have you been up to? I haven't heard from you in a while now." Christine prodded, breaking Fiore from her thoughts.

"I've been traveling a bit, other than that nothing out of the norm.  Just watching over everyone and keeping things in order.  Though I admit, keeping an eye on our little brother is more work that it was with Ian."

"Oh don't get me started on Alex. Lana is constantly going on about how much he needs someone to keep tabs on him. She still sees him as that little boy she first met though. She babies him." Christine grinned. "Poor Ian feels some strange need to father him too. I have to keep telling him that he's his brother, not his father and to stop lecturing him." She shook her head, accompanied by another eye roll. "Alex just needs some way to let off steam. He's trapped in that big house all alone all the time. It's not like when we were all together and at least had one another. No wonder he's acting out." She sipped her tea and shrugged, dismissing the subject. "So where have you been traveling? Somewhere warm and not so...grey?"

"Oh don't I know it! And that's the trouble, I can't be with him when he's making decisions and some of his friends are bad influences. Then again, I was probably the worst influence on us." Fiore laughed. "And yes, actually, I've been in Miami, the Caribbean, and a little of Central and South America."

"Oh, that sounds wonderful. The sun, sand, the sound of the ocean. I can almost feel the warmth." She closed her eyes. "Did you do any sightseeing while there? I'm sure it was beyond beautiful."

"No, I'm afraid I didn't have the time. It was more business than pleasure."

"Mmhmm..." Christine hummed, her eyes betraying her disbelief. "I'm sure you found time for some . . . pleasure."

Fiore laughed at that.  "Sadly no.  There is more to my life than just sex, parties, and travel."

"Regardless, you can't deny you always find time for the finer, more pleasurable, aspects of life."

"Yes, well, as I have no children of my own and just yours to spoil, it does afford me a bit more time, money, and other resources." Fiore grinned.  "Though I do wonder who actually gets more action?  I think that contest is probably between, you, me, and Juliet because you and Juliet keep having the proof and well, I know myself." Fiore winked as Greg walked in with a tray of tea and biscuits.

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