What you call selfish, I call survival.

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"Before success comes in any man's life, he's sure to meet with much temporary defeat and perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is quit. That's exactly what the majority of men do." - Napoleon Hill

Congratulations to Valiw14 on your guess!  


Chapter 47

Fiore was exhausted by time she got home. 

"You have to be careful." Kenneth cautioned as he trailed after Fiore.  "You're still recovering."

"I have to finish.  You know what's going to happen when I leave this time."

"Where are you going now?" Roderick asked as he came into the hall.

"Henry's given me an order.  I have a job I have to do for him."

"Oh?  What kind this time?"

"Security.  He's having me help with a problem across borders we can't officially be involved with."

"I see.  So you have to play the enforcer again. How long will you be away?"

"A few months probably."

"What kind of threat?"

"I can't talk about it."

"Should I not be traveling to certain places?"

"If I find any unsafe regions I will let you know. As of this moment, there shouldn't be an issue."

"Why do I have the feeling this isn't the whole truth?"

"Because it isn't, but it's all I can disclose."

Roderick nodded. "You're being honest with me?"

"What are you really asking?" Fiore sighed. "What are you getting at?"

"Fiore, something isn't adding up. I know you're lying to me."

"Half truths aren't lies.  Ask Henry. He'll give you any details he can." Fiore offered.  "Do you have time for lunch?  I don't have my next engagement until six this evening."

"You look tired."

"That's because I am." Fiore chuckled.  "But when has that ever stopped me before?  If you have the time, I do."

Roderick smiled.  "That sounds like the daughter I know.  Maybe I'm just paranoid.  Forgive an old man for being a fool." Roderick offered. 

"I get it, Father.  After losing Mum and my poor health as a child, it's a reasonable fear.  But as Sir Ellington said as I had him stripped of title and position, I'm like a cockroach, and the more you try to get ride of me, the harder I fight to remain a nuisance." Fiore teased glibly.  "Come on, I've heard Kenneth talking about that new recipe the chef used for the Cornish game hens."

Fiore played her part, wearing her mask like the master of the art that she was.  If Kenneth hadn't know better, even he would have been fooled.  After the meal and a few drinks, ill advised though they may be, Fiore headed up to her rooms to take a nap before her next meeting, a video conference with one of her boards in Japan.

Fiore was pushing herself too hard and she knew it.  "Has Henry requested my answer yet?"

"No, but he has inquired about you."

"Schedule it.  I may as well get this over with.  I've already made my decision anyway."

"You sure this is what you want?"

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