Why is that what makes you lose control?

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"Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right question." - Unknown


Chapter 28

Fiore spent the night dancing with whomever she chose, watching Miranda and Brad hash it out, watching Frederick flirt with Molly. By midnight she was ready to call it a night. She was nearly out when someone caught her wrist. She looked to see a man she didn't recognize.

"I assume you have a very good reason for grabbing me." Fiore snipped, her tone cold and an eyebrow raised.

"You're the one he came with aren't you?"

"You might want to explain yourself before I have you forcibly removed."

"Fiore, they say you're an attack dog, is it really true?"

"Is that something you really want to find out?" Fiore growled.

"You're going to just be another casualty."

"I suggest you explain yourself in the next ten seconds before,"

"Lady Fiore," Kenneth interrupted. "Shall I remove this ruffian?"

"Destroy him." Fiore dismissed as she yanked her hand free, leaving Kenneth to deal with the man. She made her way to her waiting car and waited for Kenneth to join her. Ten minutes later Kenneth opened her door before he got in and opened the partition. "Details?"

"Manuelo Guttierrez. He has affiliations with the Cartel. It looks like Mr. LeGrande has a rival."

"Lovely." Fiore sighed. "I knew it was bad, but drug cartels? Is he also running weapons?"

"It's fair to assume so."

"Human trafficking?"

"Not sure on that one."

"Find out.  If there are any other illicit activities, I want to know every single one.  Bribe whoever you have to bribe.  Threaten whoever you have to threaten.  I don't care, just get it done.  And Mr. Guttierrez? Has he been given the appropriate message?"

"If he ever comes near you or yours again, he understands what will happen."


Fiore was deep in thought when she arrived back at the hotel.  When she entered her suite she knew she wasn't alone.

"Did they cause you any trouble?"

Fiore breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was Chuck.  "Nothing I can't handle."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Chuck offered as he left her bedroom to meet her.  "I imagine you have questions."

"Naturally, but not that I expect you to answer honestly."

"Ask away."

"I want to know every illegal activity you've got a hand in.  I know your hand is in many pots.  I want full disclosure because you've proven the risk you are to me and mine.  Otherwise our contact will be completely cut off and I will expose you for what you are."

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