I still want him in my life. If I have to lie to do so, then so be it

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"I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you." - Robin Williams


Chapter 48

Fiore felt the nerves in her stomach. It was a feeling she hadn't felt when dealing with Henry in some time. Fiore made her way to Henry's office and knocked. When she heard the gruff enter she pushed the door open and took the seat across from Henry's desk. He finished what he was working on before he looked up.

"You've been avoiding me." Henry stated.

"I have." Fiore agreed.  "And you know why."

"You're angry with me."

"As you knew I would be."

"Have you decided then?  Is that why you're here."

"Yes.  I can't tell my father.  And I won't."

"He'd understand."

"How well did he understand last time?" Fiore growled.  "Your Majesty, I rarely do something just for myself, but this is going to be one of those times.  He'll leave again if he finds out.  I don't want to lose him again."

Henry's features softened.  "So that's the choice you've made." Henry's voice was soft and understanding was in it, but Fiore knew it wouldn't change what he'd said before.  "No, I suppose Roderick never was good at staying after he lost your mother."

"Henry, we both know that he can't handle it.  He may not have been a very good one, but he's still my father.  And I still want him in my life.  I'll be selfish to keep him there. If I have to lie to do so, then so be it."

"You know that his actions aren't your fault, don't you?"

"Your Majesty, I didn't come to have this conversation.  I came to tell you I've made my decision and deliver an invitation for you and Aunt Cassie.  I'll also still offer my services.  Even if I must perform them in exile."

"Fiore, you've not been exiled."

"You're forbidding me for returning to my home until your conditions are met.  That sounds an awful lot like exile to me." Fiore shot back, an eyebrow raised.  "Your Majesty, my loyalty to you, this family, and this country still does not waver.  But know this does dampen our personal relationship and I will not be able to forget this decision."

Henry pursed his lips.  Fiore knew people didn't speak to Henry that way and he wouldn't appreciate it.  Fiore wasn't trying to be disrespectful, but she wanted Henry to know this would change their dynamic in the future.

Henry shook his head after a long moment and sighed.  Fiore understood this decision hurt Henry as much as it hurt her.

"And as usual I will be taking Alex on his birthday."

"What are you planning?"

"There's a cricket match on his birthday. I've arranged lunch with the players before the match."

"He'll like that."

"I know." Fiore nodded.

"He will forgive you."

"Your Majesty, please don't."

Henry sighed. He understood Fiore's attitude. He did not like it and he wouldn't tolerate it. "Fiore, I gave you that order to save your life. I expect more maturity out of you."

Anger flashed across Fiore's eyes, but her features remained schooled. "Maturity? Your Majesty, I dare say I've been more than mature about all of this!" Fiore hissed.

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