"Either she's worth it she's bruised your ego or you're just a poor sport."

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"It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it." - General Douglas MacArthur


Chapter 5

Chuck massaged his jaw, still sporting Fiore's handprint. He had to admit the woman had an arm.

Despite the warm stinging in his cheek, he was still smiling. He'd still get his way yet. He was rather enjoying the fire in the woman. She was not a simpering debutant. She was a queen who demanded worship.

There was something about the chase that had always excited him. He was a predator, and she'd become his prey. But here she was a predator herself posing as pussy cat. 

Chuck made a few calls ensuring the story he wanted was the one that was printed. He was more than a little irritated when seven publications refused him. Only two were willing to print the story, and they were shameless gossip magazines, and even they would not print the story the way he specified. How strange . . .

It would appear his little hellcat had already beaten him to the punch. He would have to be one step ahead of her next time.

Chuck lazily thought about Fiore today. She'd been so different. He wondered why she didn't have children of her own. By her age she must be itching to have them. She clearly adored them, it was obvious the way she'd interacted with the children at Juliet's baby shower and the children at the hospital. He'd angered her by making a appearance today. It wasn't the first time he'd made a presence at a charity event. He made occasional visits in the public eye for good press. It portrayed him to be a good person when working with other business owners. What looked better than donating to sick children?

It was different for Fiore. Her heart was in it. She legitimately cared for the sickly, dying children and their families. Such emotional bonds were usually caused by personal ties. Chuck wanted to know.

He smiled as he remembered the way her backside had looked in that beautiful dress. Mind you, as stunning as it was on her, he felt somehow it would be far more attractive on the floor next to his bed. Chuck was lost in his own little day dream when Jax cleared his throat. Chuck looked over annoyed.

"Is this important?"

"Fiore has cancelled your lunch next week."

"Then reschedule it," Chuck growled.

"She sends her best regards and says she's fulfilled her social obligation because you had lunch with her today." Chuck's grey eyes flashed like lightning across the sky. "Fix this Jax,"

Jax chuckled. "It's not everyday that you allow a woman to get under your skin."

Chuck glared at Jax, who was completely unphased by Chuck's temper by now. They'd been working together nearly fifteen years now. Chuck had throw knives, shot at him, belittled, and threatened him. Sometimes the knives and bullets actually had hit him. But by now, Jax was far too trusted by Chuck to be disposable. He knew all of Chuck's likes and dislikes and he could predict him like no one else could.

Jax knew Chuck and he had somehow formed a friendship over the years and it was times like this he was most amused by it. "Either she's worth it, she's bruised your ego, or you're just a poor sport." Jax teased. "Knowing her reputation, I'd say all three if she'll have you. She's probably the only woman who can match you blow for blow." Jax smiled and watched Chuck fume. "She does have a fantastic body, I'll bet,"

"Enough," Chuck hissed. "Not another word about that bloody woman or I'll shoot you."
Jax laughed at that. "It wouldn't be the first time. Honestly, I haven't seen you get this riled up since you-know-who."

Chuck glared at Jax. He'd long since forbidden Jax from saying Juliet's name. She was referred to as "the woman" or "you know who" though if anyone was wise, they steered clear of that conversation entirely.

Chuck thought about Juliet less and less as time went on, but part of him still wondered. He had long ago decided to watch over her from the shadows, but that had never sated him. He had hated watching her grow closer and closer to Xavier. He had hated watching her have Xavier's children. He hated everything about it, but he'd grown fond of Gunnar and Mia was positively adorable. He had a strange feeling the twins would be no different. Instead of fighting for Juliet's affection, he settled on Juliet's friendship, the affection of her children, and the opportunity to annoy Xavier at every chance.
He was surprised at the strange infatuation he'd felt for Juliet and Fiore's fire was so similar to his raven haired dream that this pull wasn't entirely surprising to him.

He wasn't sure if it was the fact that she was beautiful and fierce or that he'd had a taste and she'd walked away before he was sated. He wasn't a man used to hearing no, and she'd told him no more times than he could count now. There was something about his blonde beauty that had captured his attention and he wasn't ready to let her slip through his fingers now.

He'd had her thoroughly researched and that was precisely why he'd chosen to make an appearance today. He was in a chess match and Fiore was a worthy opponent. She wasn't the first to give him a challenge, but the first in a long time. He'd forgotten how exciting a chase could be. He was learning Fiore's weaknesses and he would learn all he could from her.

Chuck glared at Jax. "Make this happen. I don't care how. I have other business to attend to."

"I have an idea," Jax offered.

Chuck raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Jax relayed his plan to Chuck and he smiled. "I knew there was a reason I kept you alive." Chuck grinned. "Make it happen."

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