That's what makes fox hunting so thrilling. Foxes are predators.

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Our fate is determined by how far we are prepared to push ourselves to stay alive - the decisions we make to survive. We must do whatever it takes to endure and make it through alive. - Bear Grylls


Chapter 12

Fiore woke up to the knock of room service. "I didn't order room service."

"Yes, a Mr. LeGrande called and assumed all charges. He also requested I give you this." The concierge smiled handing Fiore an envelope.

"Thank you, the usual tip from my room." Fiore smiled, her press smile. Most couldn't see through it. Fiore stepped aside and let the concierge bring in her breakfast.

Frederick yawned and sat up. "Feeling peckish?"

Fiore shook her head. "Someone took the liberty of sending me breakfast." Fiore dismissed as she tossed the note on the bedside table.


Fiore shrugged. "A confused fool."

"You do that to every man you meet, don't you?"

"Do what?"

"Make them chase you."

"I don't want to be chased."

"Every woman wants to be chased."

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not like other women." Fiore snapped. "One of the many reasons this finger is empty," Fiore pointed to her left ring finger. "I am not the rabbit to be chased by the hounds."

"No you're the fox who outsmarts all the hounds."

Fiore smiled. "Close, but I'm still not the prey."

"That's what makes fox hunting so thrilling. Foxes are predators." Frederick grinned. "They're clever, they're fast, they're beautiful, and they never allow themselves to be captured. If you manage to catch one, you'd be a fool to let it go. You'll never catch that one again."

"Freddy, don't get sentimental on me."

"I'm not." Frederick laughed. "Just stating a fact."

"Well, either way," Fiore peeked at her breakfast. "That plonker," Fiore shook her head. He'd sent her favorite breakfast again and he'd sent enough for two. Fiore stomped over and tore open the note.

I hope you had as much fun with your buffoon as I did with Evie and if you did, I'd wager you worked up an appetite and if he happens to still be there . . .

Fiore crumpled the note and threw it in the trash can. "That presumptuous oaf." Fiore hissed.

"What?" Frederick asked, concern on his face.

"Why is your gender so infuriating sometimes?" Fiore sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Is it that Chuck fellow?"

Fiore glanced over her shoulder. "Is it that obvious?"

"Fiore, he watched you like you belonged to him, even with that pretty little chit on his arm. Besides, you let him corner you."

"I suppose I did."

"Nothing wrong with a man striking your fancy." Frederick grinned. "I'm just glad someone finally has."

"Lots of men strike my fancy. I just don't do feelings."

"Which is why you woke me up when my arms wrapped around you in my sleep."

"That's how you catch feelings and I won't have either of us catching that nasty bug. Especially you." Fiore snorted.

"The love bug isn't the black death." Frederick deadpanned. "You gave it a shot once upon a time,"

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