"Well I suppose it's a good thing I'm the dog who eats the cat then."

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*Fiore's Dress*

"I like to think that I've got determination, and I'm fiercely protective of the people I love." - Andrew Lincoln


Chapter 4

Fiore sat at her dressing table and stared in her mirror, her eyes watching her reflection. Nothing looked different but she suspected otherwise. Fiore shook her head before styling her hair and applying her makeup. She was attending a board meeting at one of the children's hospitals her charity supported. She'd be able to deliver a cheque and she was more than exited to have three hours set aside for the children. She'd offered to have lunch catered for the entire hospital, staff, patients, and guests. This was even an event she allowed the media to attend. However, like all things with Fiore, it came with conditions. The press were welcome to photograph her and the board members, but the patients and their families were off limits unless she consented to letting them print the photos. She wasn't about to allow her fame to cause a family grief that they neither deserved nor wanted.

She checked her appearance once more and nodded. She was wearing a burgundy sleeveless dress with a v-neckline, that fell just above her knee. She paired it with a pair of 3 inch strappy heels that wrapped her foot and ankle and hid the faintest bruise on her ankle from when she'd twisted it three weeks ago. Her hair was in loose curls and pinned to one side, and out of her face. Her make up hid the dark circles under her eyes and gave her skin a bright, vibrant glow. With a neutral pink lipstick she looked every bit the picture of health and class. Perfect.

She grabbed her purse and bag and was ready to go. She let Kenneth drive and he reminded her of the appointments she had later in the day.

"Mr. LeGrande called,"

Fiore's head popped up from the paperwork she'd been reviewing. "Chuck? What did he want?"

"He wanted to speak with you. He said he had something to discuss. I informed him that you will be busy today and that you can discuss everything at the luncheon you have with him next week."

Fiore sighed in relief. "What would I do without you?" She grinned. "Honestly, Ken, you make my life run so much smoother. Thank you for that."

"I know I'm not paid to give an opinion, but it's easy to tell you don't like the man. And there's something off about him."

"How so?" Fiore asked intrigued. Kenneth rarely offered an opinion, something Fiore appreciated, but when he did she listened. Kenneth had been involved in covert military operations before she had hired him as her personal driver and bodyguard.

"He watches you like he is the cat and you are the mouse."

Fiore nodded. "Well, I suppose it's a good thing I'm the dog who eats the cat then." Fiore smiled. "Thank you, Kenneth." Fiore dismissed, indicating this conversation was over. By the time she'd arrived at the hospital Fiore was all smiles and waved politely at the paparazzi as she made her way inside, escorted to the board room. She sat through the tedious meetings, paying rapt attention.

When she was given the floor she explained her vision for the hospital and offered then the generous cheque raised from the charity ball last week. Fiore smiled for the photos and let the board have the limelight. Even though she'd been born and bred to be in it, she still detested the spotlight. She enjoyed attention, but only on her terms. The lunch was good, but Fiore was secretly counting down the seconds before she'd be free to visit with the children and their families.

This was the reason she did what she did.

"Miss Fiore!" A bald little girl name Kyla beamed as she hurried over to see Fiore. She was winded as Fiore kneeled down and pulled her in for a huge .

"How's my favorite little trooper?" Fiore winked. "And are those new earrings?"

"Mhmm!" Kyla beamed. "Mum promised you'd be coming to visit today. I'm so excited."

"I heard you had a little set back, so I'm excited that you're doing better today." Fiore smiled. This was one of the few times her smile was genuine. And I brought you some new books and canvasses and paints. Just like I promised."

Fiore made her way around the ward. She'd brought arts and craft materials, books, films, and toys. She always did everything in her power to make these kids smile. It wasn't fair to be cooped up inside all day, especially if you were already fighting for your life. The least she could do was try to make them happy and keep them entertained.

Fiore sat with the parents at the lunch. She offered condolences and as always assured them that if there was anything she could do, she was always pleased to do it. As she was mingling she froze.

What the hell was he doing here?

That obnoxious, handsome face was here with the parents as well. What in God's name was he doing?

Fiore was about to march over and demand an explanation when one of the board members clapped him on that back and said, "Chuck, so glad you could make it. It's good to see you again."

Fiore's eyes narrowed in confusion. Again?

"Wouldn't miss it Gerald," Chuck smiled back. His grey eyes met Fiore's and he winked.

Bloody hell! He better be here to help or she'd have his head.

Fiore turned her back to Chuck and resumed catching up with the parents. She was doing a very good job ignoring Chuck until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Fiore stiffened at the familiar contact. She took a breath and politely excused herself before turning to a smirking Chuck.

"This is some event you've put on." Chuck smiled.

"I didn't do this for your benefit. I don't care what you think. This had better be important, I'm very busy as you can see."

"I noticed. I have to say, I'm more than a little surprised."


"I didn't expect you to actually care about the kids. I figured you did this to soften that reputation of yours."

Fiore rolled her eyes. "Chuck, if you're heart is in this, then by all means, mingle. If it's not, then please politely leave. These families have enough to deal with without adding your games to the mix. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Fiore was seething. He had better be prepared to write another cheque if he wanted to make more appearances in her life and charity work. Fiore finished the time she had with the families and went back to say her goodbyes to the kids before braving the paparazzi once more. She was surprised, but not totally shocked to see Chuck waiting in the reception for her.

"What do you want?" Fiore demanded.

"Let's walk and talk." Chuck suggested.

"Chuck, I don't have time for this. Let's talk later." Fiore dismissed as the doors slid open and she fixed her press smile on her face. She was nearly to her car when someone gripped her hand and pulled her against him. Before she even had a moment to recover his lips covered hers. Fiore shoved Chuck back and slapped him hard across the face. Her eyes flashing fury as a bright red handprint appeared across his smirking face.

With a graceful snort Fiore slid into her car and Kenneth started driving away.

"My apologies, Fiore," Kenneth offered from the front seat. "If I hadn't been driving I could have prevented that."

"It's not your fault. It's mine." Fiore dismissed. "I invited the press to this, the hospital needs the good press. Now I get to threaten people into printing the right story. Goody, goody gumdrops." Fiore snarled. Fiore began making calls and doing damage control. All of this before canceling the luncheon next week. He'd wanted lunch, they'd had lunch. So far as Fiore was concerned, Chuck LeGrande had just declared war.

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