I could use a good whiskey.

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*Photo above is Fiore's dress*

This is dedicated to Kryzme because without her, Fiore wouldn't have had a reason to exist! Much love darling!!! <3 :)

"Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway." - Robert Downey Jr.


Chapter 1

Fiore fluttered around the party making sure everything was in order for Juliet. She wanted everything to go perfect for the baby shower. As she'd expected, Juliet was less than thrilled to have nothing to do, but Fiore had anticipated it and gave her several ideas for the kiddos. There was a whole pack of them here today.

Fiore loved kids, but even her energy had limits and while she loved her nieces and nephews she knew they were better off wearing each other out than the grown ups chasing after them. She'd had most of the food catered in and she'd done most of the serving. This was her element. Fiore excelled at hosting parties and had been hosting parties for her father's powerful and influential business friends and associates for as long as she could remember.

Once everyone had their fill and the cake had been served it was time for presents. Juliet and Xavier had just about everything they needed already, but it didn't stop everyone from coming bearing gifts. Fiore took on the responsibility of making sure it ran smoothly. She would bring the presents and then recorded who had brought what so Juliet could write out thank you cards at her leisure.
Currently, she was helping Xavier carry a sleepy Mia and Gemma to their bedroom and doing her best to keep Juliet relaxing. Fiore smiled at Juliet's efforts. The two were incredibly similar. Neither of them could sit idle for long and be content.

Once the children were down and Ian, Lana, Christine, and Greg and their kids had left Fiore sighed. "I could use a drink."

"That's a great idea." Xavier agreed. "What can I get for you?"

"I could use a good whiskey."

"I have a single malt scotch I've been itching to open. I'll go grab it and get everyone else situated. Go relax. You've done more than enough."

"Thanks, Xavier. You and Juliet deserve this."

"Thank you, Fiore. Go relax. You've earned it." Fiore nodded and went to sit. There was something she trusted about Xavier and he'd always proven her right.

With a contented sigh, Fiore lowered herself onto the bar stool and her feet relaxed. Maybe three inch heels hadn't been the best idea she'd ever had, but damn it, they were cute and completed the outfit.

"I was wondering where you went," came a smooth bass rumble. Fiore looked up to see Chuck grinning as he took the seat opposite her on the breakfast bar. "I'm glad I found you."

"I'm right here." Fiore rolled her eyes. "You're weird."

"Weird? How is that?" Chuck purred, not phased in the least.

"I don't know. You're just different. How do you and Juliet know each other?"

"We've met before, don't you remember?"

"Yes, every once in a while you'll show up to something Juliet and Xavier are hosting. But I can tell Xavier doesn't like you, so I'm guessing you're Juliet's friend."

"You can tell Xavier doesn't like me?"

"Of course. It doesn't take a genius to see he wants to punch you in the face. But I can also see how good you are with their kids and Juliet trusts you."

"Do you?"

"Oh I know your type well enough. Pretty boy, arrogant, probably well endowed, so full of shit, I'm surprised your eyes aren't brown. I'm guessing a habitual liar, probably a womanizer. You can have a different woman in your bed every night of the week, so you probably do. Total arsehole. Am I warm?"

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