Do you get your rocks off being a pain in my arse?

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"She was the prettiest Hell I have ever been in; and I didn't mind burning at all." - Matt Baker


Chapter 55

Chuck was angrily pacing the floor. He'd lost Kenneth and now he had no leads to find Fiore. He hoped that if he couldn't find her, no one else could either. He knew she was well and truly hidden. He would have to draw her out to find her and the only two things that might work on would be to threaten her businesses, or the most likely and less forgivable offense, her family.

The more Chuck thought about it, the more an idea took root. Fiore would answer he family's cry, and she had a particular soft spot for the younger prince.

Chuck began barking orders and the plan was put into motion. He'd at least be speaking with Fiore soon, the rest would fall into place.

Fiore had to admit, having Kenneth by her side made everything more tolerable. She was into her second round of chemo and feeling the god forsaken side effects. She spent most of her waking time losing the contents of her stomach or dealing with muscle pain. Dr. Douglas was concerned she was having an adverse reaction and it sounded like she may be developing fibromyalgia. Fiore, while miserable, would choose to grit her teeth and deal with it. She knew if she started upping her pain killers, she'd pay for it in spades.

The days blurred together for her. Fiore didn't have the energy to fight. She wasn't present for the board meetings. She wanted no part in the drama of the world.

Fiore was on week three of chemo when Alex tried to skype with her. Fiore declined and he immediately texted her.

I need your help!

Alex then FaceTimed Fiore.  With a sigh Fiore answered.  "You better be dying." Fiore sighed then she registered who's face was on the other side.  "Oh I am going to kill you.  Where the hell is Alex?"

Chuck grinned.  "He's fine, just without his phone."

"I swear to God, Chuck!"

"Calm yourself, you left me with few other options.  You won't answer me, I lost your pet chimp, I needed to talk to you."

"You have thirty seconds before I sick the Royal Guard and my own personal forces on you to convince me otherwise."

"Oh calm down, attack dog. Don't raise your hackles. We nicked his phone, not him."

"Twenty-five, twenty-four . . ."

"Oh stop. Listen, I needed your attention and I got it. I want to shield you from the mess I've created. Let me. I can keep you and your family safe while I neutralize this threat. It doesn't have to interrupt your treatment. No one has to know."

"Ten seconds."

"Fiore, let me help you."

"I don't want or need your help. You made this mess that I am forced to clean up. You are not a valuable ally to me after this debacle. I am the attack dog. I protect myself, my family, and what is mine. You are not on that very short list. Goodbye Chuck."

Fiore disconnected and phoned Henry.

"Two calls in less than a month?"

"Security isn't tight enough. Someone stole Alex's phone to send me a message. We both know how valuable that information can be. Please have a word with Alex about national security and have your number and all of the important ones changed. Most likely he was distracted by a girl or he left his phone with the rest of his effects during school or practice."

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