Even I don't control all of time and space.

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"You just do it. You force yourself to get up. You force yourself to put one foot before the other, and God damn it, you refuse to let it get to you. You fight. You cry. You curse. Then you go about the business of living. That's how I've done it. There's no other way." - Elizabeth Taylor


Chapter 53

Fiore had too much to do and not enough time.  She was at the right weight to resume treatment, but she knew when she left, that was it.  Fiore showed up at the palace.  Henry was surprised to see her.

"I wasn't expecting you."

"I know.  I just can predict you.  It didn't feel right to leave things as we did."

"Fiore, you're like a daughter to me.  I didn't give that order because I don't want you to come home."

"I know."

Fiore and Henry locked eyes and the understanding passed between them. 

"But you still haven't reconsidered."

"I have not.  I won't be sharing this with them.  I do have a conditional request."

"What's that?"

"If someone here needs me, and I mean physically needs me.  I will come back, even if you're against it.  If something happens to my family, I will ignore any edict you put in place."

Henry nodded.  "Under life and death circumstances, I'll allow it."

Fiore nodded.  "I have one other errand to do before I leave, but you should know I am still in service to my country and King.  My resources, my name, my power, they're still yours to use as you see fit.  The code word is about to change to Fenrir.  As they change Kenneth will update you."

"They never got away from dog and wolf nicknames, did they?" Henry smiled.

"No.  They're not very creative And they have a flat sense of humor." Fiore shrugged.  "But I didn't hire them for their creativity I hired them for their skills.  They can laugh at me all they want so long as they obey me."

"No, names never seemed to bother you.  Fiore, do know, that even with that order, I expect you home soon."

Fiore nodded and extended her hand.  "I want that too."

"Good.  Last I checked, Fiore gets what she wants."

Fiore smiled.  "That she does.  No one denies her."

Henry accepted Fiore's hand and pulled her in for a rare hug.  "Come back soon." Henry whispered.

Fiore felt the surge of emotion and fought to keep it under control.  "I promise."

Fiore pulled away with a shaky breath.  "Give my love to your wife and children while I'm away."

"I will."  Fiore turned and walked away and out to the waiting car.  Kenneth opened the door for her and they left.  It was surreal for her. Leaving. It didn't seem possible.

Fiore wasn't lying when she said she had one final errand. It was just one she was dreading. Chad had asked for some of her time. Fiore agreed.

Chad was already waiting at a restaurant they had frequented years ago.

"Thanks for meeting me." Chad grinned, but it looked more like a grimace.

"Of course, but I don't have much time.  I have to leave in thirty minutes to make my flight."

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