"You were nothing short of a right proper arse."

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"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds." - Laurell K Hamilton

*Fiore's Dress*


Chapter 18

Fiore had enjoyed her time with Juliet and her family, but now it was back to work.

She wasn't surprised to see a message from her father requesting a call.


"Fiore, what have you been up to?"

"That tone tells me you know."

"I can put two and two together. You've accepted the medical expenses of Curtis Anderson and all communications to him are being monitored. That means you expect someone who shouldn't be talking to him to do so. I also know you paid Phoebe, Dante's estranged wife a visit. What are you up to?"

"Father, you saw the article, I sent it to you."

"I did."

"And Dante just happened to have terrible timing. He attempted to forcibly seize our company. It made perfect sense. I've killed two birds with one stone. No one will question my intentions or my spine once Dante is disposed of."

"You haven't arranged . . ."

"Of course not. Nor would we discuss something of that nature over the phone. I'm not daft. He'll dispatch himself."

"When are you due back in London?"

Fiore glanced at her watch. "Six this evening. I'm about to board the plane."

"And your plans this evening?"

"Nothing pressing."

"Come by. You and I have a few things to discuss."

"I'll see you then."

Fiore hung up and got herself situated.

"Lady Fiore?" Kenneth intruded. "Perhaps you should eat something. You look pale."

Fiore thought back. In her single-mindedness she'd scarcely eaten today. "Thank you, Kenneth. What would I do without you?"

Kenneth smiled. Fiore sat in the plush leather seat and felt sleep pulling her under. Kenneth woke her when he'd prepared her something to eat.

"Fiore, it's not my place, but I feel I need to say something." Ken offered.


"You can go without sleep or without food, but not both. I've just noticed you're burning the candle at both ends and it's taking a toll. I'm just asking you to take a little better care of yourself."

Fiore nodded. "You're right though, about both. It is not your place, but I should do one good thing for myself."

"I try not to speak out of turn too much," Kenneth joked.

"One of the reasons I've kept you around." Fiore joked right back. She didn't have much of an appetite today. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't for a few weeks.

She ate mechanically, not really wanting to. It wasn't long before they were back in London. Fiore quickly made her way home to see her father. He looked stressed and older somehow.

"I'm home."

His face brightened as he smiled. "I'm glad you're home."

Fiore gave her father a hug and kissed his cheek. "Why do you look so stressed?"

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