"You're a wolf pretending to be a sheep dog, Mr. LeGrande."

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"She didn't need to understand the meaning of life; it was enough to find someone who did, and then fall asleep in his arms and sleep as a child sleeps, knowing that someone stronger than you is protecting you from all evil and all danger" - Paulo Coelho, Brida


Chapter 9

The next morning Fiore was making breakfast for Gunnar, Mia, and James. Fiore had prepared everything for the day for the kids and when a bleary eyed Mia walked into the kitchen.

"Something smells yummy," she yawned.

Fiore smiled. "Of course it does, I've made you breakfast. Now have a seat. Would you like milk or juice?"

"Can I have chocolate milk?"

Fiore chuckled. "Of course you can, sweetie." Fiore fixed her breakfast then went to go fetch Gunnar. He was still sleeping like a rock. Fiore smiled. He had one leg hanging off the bed and was sleeping almost sideways in his bed. His hair was a tousled mess and his mouth was hanging open. It was adorable and awkward and Fiore loved it. She sat on his bed and ran her fingers through his hair. "Wake up, sleepy head," she called softly as he slowly woke up.

"It's early." Gunnar whined.

"It's nearly nine," Fiore corrected. "Come on, get up. Mia's already downstairs."

Fiore fed Mia and Gunnar and sipped tea with James. He'd arranged to stay the week with Juliet and Xavier. Fiore was grateful for that. Once everyone had eaten and then was dressed properly, they headed to the hospital. Xavier met them outside the room. He kneeled in front of his children as he hugged them.

"Mummy and Daddy missed you last night. Were you good for Grandad James and Fiore?"

"Mhmm!" Gunnar nodded.

"Good. Now before you go see Mummy you need to know a few things. Your baby brothers came out of Mummy's tummy, so she's a little sore. You have to be gentle." Xavier instructed. "No jumping. And Mummy is tired, so we want to be quiet. Understand?"

Both Gunnar and Mia nodded.

"Good." Xavier picked up Mia and took Gunnar's hand. He led them inside and Fiore and James followed. Juliet's hair was in a french plait and she had bags under her eyes.

"There's my babies!" She smiled as she gingerly sat up.

"Mummy!" Mia squealed, squirming in Xavier's arms.

"Hey baby girl."

Fiore noticed the dark circles and and forced smile. James took Mia from Xavier and Xavier's eyes met hers. He wanted to talk. "James, you've got this?" Fiore asked.

James nodded and smiled. "Of course."

Fiore followed Xavier out. "Where are the twins?"

"They're being monitored. Colton is having some . . . complications. They felt it best that the twins be kept together."

"Got it, and what's with Juliet?"

"She's tired, worried, and in pain."

"Why aren't they offering her something to keep her comfortable?"

"Of course they have, but you've met my wife. She's accepting the antibiotics, but still refusing any pain killers."

"Breast feeding?"

Xavier nodded and ran his hand through his hair. "It kills me though," Xavier admitted.

"Because you can't fix it, and you can't make her feel better?"

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