Information always comes at a price. And this isn't a price Ian has to pay.

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"Difficulties break some men but make others.  No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps trying, one armed with the hope that he will rise even in the end." - Nelson Mandela


Chapter 52

Fiore bid goodbye to Alex, Henry and Cassandra and turned to her only remaining guests. "Ben, you may not want to be here for this next part. The guest room adjacent mine has already been prepared for you. I trust you know the way."

"I can take a hint." Ben offered before giving Fiore a kiss on the cheek.

Once he was gone Fiore met the gaze of her family and friends. "Katie, you look tired. There are extra rooms. You should get some rest."

"You don't need to send her away." Chad intervened, his hand resting on her thigh. "But you do need to tell us what's going on."

"Chaddy," Fiore started, her tone condescending. "We all know who really calls the shots here. And we all know it is not you." Fiore didn't miss the flash of hurt that flashed across his eyes. His face remained stony, but not his eyes. Fiore was thankful he'd never learned to lie with his eyes.

"Don't pick a fight with Chad!" Christine warned, her tone sharp as the crack of a whip. "You're hiding something and don't want us to know. What secret is Ian hiding for you?"

"You all hold secrets of mine. Do remember I hold more of yours. If you're wise you'll stop while you're ahead."

"Fi, we're just worried about you!" Christine cried before she broke into sobs. Greg pulled her against him.

"Told you." Fiore shrugged.

"Told him what?" Christine demanded.

"Christine, you're pregnant again. How far along are you?"

"I'm not - oh shit!" Christine cursed. "I'm late!"

"You're pregnant." Fiore repeated.  "So let's start by you calming down."

"That still doesn't explain what's been going on with you." Lana pointed out. "Or why Ian's been lying."

Fiore sighed and shook her head.  "Lana, first of all, Ian loves you and your children more than anything else in this world. You cannot continue to be suspicious of Ian for something that happened nearly a decade ago. Do not forget you are not entirely innocent yourself. And do remember how exactly you and Ian found your way to one another. As for the rest of you, has it never occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, this is not information I can share?"

"Then why does Ian know?" Lana demanded.

"There are many confidential things that I can't share with you. Ian knows because he's the future king. Henry knows as well. Are you satisfied? Lana, as his wife, you need to understand you don't get to know everything. It's not because he wants to keep things from you, it's because he loves you and is protecting you."

"And why have you changed?" Chad asked.

"I haven't."

"You have. What you told me tonight, that's not like you. You never show your cards."

"Chad, has it ever occurred to you that perhaps the answers have been there always and you just were too daft to see them?"

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