First he has no tact and he's trying to be responsible. Secondly, he loves you.

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"Trust enables you to put your deepest feelings and fears in the palm of your partner's hand, knowing they will be handled with care." - Carl S. Avery


Chapter 15

Fiore was enjoying a quiet dinner alone when her phone started ringing.

"Yes little brother?" Fiore grinned.

"Why is Ian lecturing me on the dangers of drinking and unprotected sex?" Alex demanded.

"Because he's an idiot," Fiore suggested.

"Why do I have a funny feeling you told him to come see me?"

"What gave you that idea?"

"My skeet lessons were canceled by my father and Ian just happened to show up."

"My your brother is the brightest bulb in the pack isn't he?" Fiore grinned.

"Why was he lecturing me?"

"Two reasons, first he has no tact and he's trying to be responsible. Secondly, he loves you."

"Does he think having that conversation will help?" Alex demanded.

"He doesn't want you to make the same mistakes we did."

"I won't."

"If you're foolish you will, and I won't be with you 24/7."

"You weren't with him all the time."

"I pretty much was, and I could get away with smashing paparazzi cameras and shanking the occasional overzealous reporter. You can't and you don't have anyone who can."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"If your father cannot control one unruly teen, how is he expected to lead a country?" Fiore heard a frustrated groan. "I know it sucks. Being a teenager in the spot light, while the world waits for you to screw up and stumble, which you will. It's not a good feeling to know there are people waiting with bated breath for you to fall from grace and glory. You're fifteen. You're going to do stupid things. Ian was supposed to give you some tips to help you not get caught when you decide to do something stupid."

"Wait, what?"

"You know that Ian and I masterminded some pretty absurd adventures. He was supposed to give you some brotherly advice on why we got caught, and what we did not to get caught."

"Do you honestly believe I'll get caught."

"Alex, if I got caught, then I know you will."

"Shows what you know." Alex scoffed.

"Oh? Do we want to play this game? Very well. Last week, you went out with Caleb Hunter and Elizabeth Morton. Yes, I know. I also know that you were drinking and Elizabeth and your were making out in what you thought was a private corner of the restaurant. You are a royal child, you don't get to be a normal kid. It sucks. But-"

"You were spying on me?"

"Of course not. The tabloids were. I made sure your story was kept out of the papers, Alex. I'm also the reason your father doesn't know."

"What do you mean?"

"Alex, I'm not here to tattle on you to your daddy. If you do something that endangers you or others, I would be forced to tell him. If you do something really stupid like stick a bloody needle in your arm, I will tell him. But if you're just being a normal kid, I'm just going to look out for you and keep my hold of the press by their bullocks. Alex, you, Ian, and Christine are my family. There are very few things in this world I will not do for you. I hope you understand that."

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