That is mine and mine alone for the moment.

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"I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out." - Ally Carter - Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover


Chapter 31

Fiore grit her teeth as she phoned Henry.  "I made it through surgery fine.  I needed to let you know before I let them give me pain killers."

"I'm just glad you're okay.  Once you've recovered, we're going to have to have a discussion."

"Very well, in the mean time, I'm going to let you go."

"Get some rest, Fiore."

Fiore hung up and flopped down on her hospital bed, fighting back a groan.  Once she nodded to the nurse she was given morphine to numb the pain. Her body ached. She could feel the tightness in her abdomen.  The stitches felt tight and pulled at her skin.  Once the pain killers had kicked in, Fiore called for Dr. Douglas. 

"How did it look?" Fiore asked, feeling groggy.

"The surgery went well.  You seem to be recovering nicely."

"And have you biopsied the tissue?"

"No results yet."

Fiore nodded.  "How long until we get those answers?"

"I should have them by tomorrow."

"And recovery?"

"You are going to need at the very least five days complete bed rest.  Less than 500 steps per day.  I'm serious.  I don't want to risk you tearing you stitches, especially the internal ones.  They should dissolve within two weeks to a month."

"And can I be moved tonight?"

Dr. Douglas shook his head.  "No, you need to wait at least 24 hours.  I don't care how good your medical staff is, if you need to be rushed into surgery, I want you in a hospital."

Fiore reluctantly nodded. "Very well.  Expected recovery time?"

"You'll be on complete bed rest for at least five days, after that we can check your progress.  You'll need at least six to eight weeks to recover."

Fiore sighed and nodded.  "So be it.  Are you heading back to Costa Rica?"

"I have to.  There's people counting on me."

"Do what you have to."

"I will.  And you need to do what you're told?"

"Excuse me?" Fiore, quirked an eyebrow.

"I know your type.  You think you're superman, you think you're invincible, and try to do too much too soon.  And you end up losing it all.  I don't think I have to spell that out for you."

"No, I understand."


Dr. Douglas left and Fiore felt sleep pull her under.  When she awoke, Kenneth was sitting in her room, thumbing through a magazine.  "Need anything?"  He asked, not looking up from his magazine.

"No," Fiore declined as she tried to sit up.  The pain in her abdomen stopped her.  "Maybe." She sighed.  "How long was I out?"

"About nine hours." Kenneth answered as he put the magazine aside.  "How're you holding up?"

Fiore too a deep breath.  "We both know I've gone through worse."

"That doesn't answer my question." Kenneth deadpanned.

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