"She was the one with a heart, not us."

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*Photo is of Alex*

"No matter what happens from here, know that I have always, I will always love you and I will always protect you." - Christine Zolendz


Chapter 3

Fiore smiled at Dominic, asleep in her bed. Not wanting to wake him she got out of bed, careful not to jostle him. She padded over to the shower and turned it on. Last night had taken its toll.

"I guess I'm going to have to admit someday I'm not as young as I used to be," Fiore sighed as she stretched, the warm water soothing her aching muscles.

"But still as gorgeous as the day I met you,"

Fiore jumped, startled by Dominic's voice. "Sorry if I woke you," Fiore called as she peeked out of her shower.

"Nothing to be sorry for, especially if I get to join you." Dominic grinned. "May I?" He asked as he stepped closer, only wearing his boxers.

Fiore grinned. "I don't know. Do you deserve to?"

Dominic grinned right back as he pulled off his boxers. "It's the right thing to do, save the planet, saving water, and all that jazz," Dominic offered as he stepped in the shower with Fiore. "Besides," he smiled as he kissed her shoulder from behind. "Someone needs to help you wash your back."

Fiore thoroughly enjoyed her shower with Dominic and once they'd sated themselves she bid him goodbye and went to meet her father. They would be reviewing all the finalized numbers from yesterday's event and discussing the best dispersement of funds.

After that and double checking her father's accounts, a practice she'd been doing since her late teens, she gave a contented sigh. "Kalinda seems to be better than Mercy was. I'm glad you sacked that cow." Fiore dismissed. "My life is so much easier now that your books match the records. Though I can still see room for improvement."

"There always is and always will be." Roderick nodded. "That's why I trust you. You're tough but fair. Lord knows you care just as much about the people as you do the bottom line." Roderick's features softened. "She'd be proud of you. You've got her heart."

Fiore offered a small smile in return. "Thanks, Dad."

"You're definitely her daughter, but thank God you've got my spine." Roderick laughed.

Fiore rolled her eyes. It was rare that her father would talk about her mother, but he'd bring her up in a few sentences around this time of year. Her birthday was coming up and Fiore would pay her annual visit. "Anyway, enough of this sentimental nostalgia. It doesn't suit either of us. She was the one with a heart, not us." Fiore dismissed. She'd never grown accustomed to discussing feelings and didn't particularly want to start.

Roderick laughed again. "I suppose you're right." Fiore double checked her work and reviewed everything with her father.

As Fiore was getting ready to leave Roderick cleared his throat. Fiore paused and looked at her father. "That man, Chuck LeGrande, be careful when you fulfill your duty. I know you're a grown woman and can take care of yourself, but be careful. A father worries not matter how old you may get."

Fiore cocked her head, a look of perplexed understanding took her features. She gave her father a small smile and nodded. "Of course, they don't call me the attack dog for nothing."

That message was received loud and clear. Fiore understood that her father was not a man of idle threats. She needed to know exactly who Chuck LeGrande really was.

Fiore bid her father goodbye before heading to meet up with Alex. It was obvious how bummed he was when his time has earned lowest auction price. That was mostly due to Fiore's strict orders. She wasn't going to let just anyone spend an evening with Alex.

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